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Wolverine & Ton-Pu

"Let's go, bub!"

The man simply known as Logan was the result of a government experiment... his mutant healing ability allowed the removal of his skeleton, to be replaced with one made of adamantium. He was also given retactable claws made of the same nearly unbreakable metal. He broke free from his captors and soon found himself among the X-Men. A gruff man with a berserker?s temper, the often unpedictable Wolverine is nontheless a powerful fighter for good.


A member of a sisterhood of freelance asassins, Ton-Pu is an expert in unarmed combat, and a deadly warrior. She had never failed an assignment, up until she ended up on the wrong end of Strider Hiryu?s cypher. She was the only member of her team to survive the attack, and the airborne warship they were defending was destoyed by Hiryu. (The warship was part of the evil Grandmaster Meio's plans to dominate the world, but Ton-Pu was never picky about who she worked for as long as the money was good.) Since then, Ton-Pu has followed the wandering Strider, always a few steps behind him. Observing Hiryu?s sense of honor and justice has caused her to question her own ethics, and now when she does catch up to him, she?s not sure if she should follow her sisterhood?s code that says she should kill the Strider, or follow her heart which says something entirely different...


Ever on Strider Hiryu?s trail, Ton-Pu has finally caught up to him... right in the middle of his fight with the mutant Psylocke. Though unsure how to handle the situation at first, she moves in to help the Strider when Wolverine arrives to back up his teammate. Though his attacks are savage, Ton-Pu holds her own against the berserker...
When Psylocke convinces Hiryu that he has been tricked by Bison into fighting the X-Men, the two intervene in Ton-Pu?s fight just before Wolverine can bring it to a very final end. Hiryu announces that he?s joining the X-Men?s fight against Onslaught, and asks Ton-Pu to join them as well... knowing her to be a skilled fighter, and that they?ll need all the help they can get. Ton-Pu accepts... not only to keep the Strider within her reach, but to keep an eye on Psylocke... though she chastises herself for it, something about the woman really gets under her skin.

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Page design, layout and background images by M Sipher.

Sound bites courtesy of Deadworm.

All Marvel characters and their likenesses are the trademarks of Marvel Characters, Inc. All Capcom characters... well... are the property of Capcom Co., Ltd. Norimaro is the property of Noritaro Kinashi & Arrival/NTV. Strider Hiryu & Ton-Pu are the property of Moto Kikaku. This site is not intended to be an infringement on any of the copyrights and trademarks of any company whose products or characters are mentioned within its contents. This site is for entertainment purposes only, and is an entirely non-profit operation.