The Union of Planetary Republics:
    "Wait," you say, "I see another bomb in here!"  You point to the other bomb.

    "We better defuse both bombs," Muldoon says.

    "I'll go take care of this one," you say as you walk toward the other bomb.

    "Be careful," Williams says.  "You never know what Lothair might try."

    Just then, you feel a thin wire snag your foot.  Before you can pull your leg away from the wire, to step over it, you hear a beep.  As you look down, you see the long wire.  It must run back to one of the bombs in this room.  But it's too late.  Both bombs explode.  Mountains of debris and rubble fall down on top of you and the Spacers.  Then, some kind of heavy machinery above you begins to fall down.  Trapped beneath the twisted wreckage of the bomb blast, you can't get away.  You watch as the huge machine comes down on top of you.



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