The Union of Planetary Republics:
    You decide to blow open the top of the lift capsule.  You aim your laser at the ceiling and fire.  A hole melts in the ceiling, and you can see the all the way up the shaft.

    Then you stuff the laser pistol as deep down into your pocket as you can and hope it stays put.

    You grab onto the edge of the hole in the ceiling and pull yourself up onto the top of the lift.  Then, way up at the top of the shaft, you see a yellow forklift-like machine sticking out of the wall.  It must be there to hold a damaged lift capsule up while workers repair it.  If you time the jump right, you might be able to land on the machine.  The lift keeps moving, coming up on the forklift machine.  You count down seconds as the lift shoots toward the machine, and then you jump.

    A couple seconds later, you feel your feet come down on something solid.  Your knees give way beneath you, but there is still something solid to stop you from falling any farther down the shaft.  The lift capsule shoots up to the top, and the space doors at the top of the shaft open up.  You grab onto whatever you can as the air in the shaft blows out into space.  The blast of air leaving the ship pulls your body right up off the platform of the machine, but you hold tight onto the railing.  Finally, the space doors shut.

    If you hadn't gotten out of the lift in time, you would have been in there when it went out into space.  You take a minute to figure out where you are.  You look at the control booth of the machine.  It has two control levers and a bunch of buttons in it.  It looks like the machine is built on two rails so it can go up and down the lift shaft too.  If you could work the controls, you might be able to get to a different deck of the Farragut and go back to work against Lothair.

    There are two levers to pull, one on the left, and one on the right.  Which one do you pull?

[Go!] Do you pull the lever on the left?

[Go!] Do you pull the lever on the right?

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