Something to Behold (part 2)

copyright 1998, Catelina Cia

It had been three months since Jabba had given Catelina that job to kill Shane Hie and bring back his body. Jabba had paid her enough so she could put more modifications on the Dumar. Including a cloaking device and a tractor beam.

Now she was looking out on her fourth bounty, Briad Tangk. The man in the ship had really made Jabba mad, he was one of Lady Valarian's assassins. Jabba would pay a lot of money to whoever brought him back, now it was most definitely going to be her. She activated the cloaking device and prepared to take out his engines. With one quick shot she blasted his engines. Then she activated the tractor beam, and brought his ship right up next to hers, so the doors of his ship aligned with her ramp.

She went down to the ramp and unlatched the door. Tangk's door was right in front of hers. Catelina was proud she had done well in aligning them. She took out a vibro blade and cut the door open, and then took some clamps and attached the two doors together.

She went inside slowly, blaster ready. Tangk was about to attack her from behind but she shot him before he had the chance. Catelina dragged him into her main room and handcuffed him to a bar in a corner. She went back down to the ramp and detached them and shut the ramp door. She then went to her cockpit and let the other ship out of the tractor beam.

Suddenly, her sensors went wild. Another ship was entering her area. She checked to see if her computer recognized it, it did. "Slave One." She muttered, "I would have expected to see you here, Fett. You would have caught up with Tangk before me, but I got lucky."

She hailed him. "Hey there ol' buddy! How's huntin'?" Catelina knew that would annoy him. He hated it when she acted friendly and goofy.

"I see you got to Briad Tangk before me, congratulations."

"Yeah, well, I'm gettin' into this," she replied.

"Yes," he agreed. "You are becoming a very good bounty hunter."

Catelina smiled to herself, he was jealous, or angry. "Hey, I'll give you some credit, kay? I mean you were the one who taught me how to track hyperspace paths." She hoped that lightened his spirits a little.

"I'm going to set a path for Tatooine, I'll see you there." With that he signed off and then was off into hyperspace.

From the back room she heard someone screaming furiously. She ran back to see that Briad had just snapped out of being stunned.

"Who the hell are you?" he asked.

"I'm a bounty hunter, Nevi Dele, and you really peeved Jabba off," she answered.

He didn't care that he had angered Jabba. "So? It paid a lot of money."

She shrugged and went back to the cockpit. She put in the coordinates for Tatooine and they went into hyperspace.

Jabba the Hutt laughed, he was pleased to have Briad Tangk at his disposal. "You have done well, Nevi Dele."

"Yes, but Boba Fett did do me some assistance in capturing him, he deserves an award also," she informed him.

He laughed again. "Then so be it, give Fett half and the rest to Dele."

She bowed and left the room, leaving Tangk to Jabba. In her head she counted down. Three, two, one, There was a scream from the main chamber. Zero. She sighed sympathetically. Too bad, man was hanging with the wrong crowd. He most likely could have been good at something else, other than an assassin.

She entered Boba Fett's room, he followed her in a second later, closing the door behind him.

"Jabba has a job, for us." He told her as she took off her helmet.

She wiped her head around. "Both of us?"

"Yeah. He wants us to work together." He said gloomily.

"Well this is going to be interesting."

Fett just groaned and shook his head.

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