The Augurs:

Race description: The Augurs are insectoid-humanoid hybrids, beginning life after they hatch from an egg, emerging as a rather large insect. However, as an Augur reaches adolescence, its exoskeleton becomes dry and paper-thin. Shortly thereafter, what appears to be a partially mammalian Augur shreds its way out. Augurs begin life with a brain mass about two-thirds of that of a human (though total nerve mass is much greater), but Augurs use an incredible 76% of their brain. As an Augur grows, so does its brain. Brain growth usually stops at a brain mass of approximately 1.3 times that of a normal human. Though lacking the psionic powers of the Reol, Augurs use their intelligence for extensive dexterity and manipulating their environment (namely, the people around them). An Augur never "trips" or "falls" unless it wishes to do so (in addition to its large brain usage rate, many �spokes� of nerves on appendages seem to help this incredible dexterity). Augurs have slightly bulging eyes with compound lenses covering the center. Augurs have no sense of smell, but can detect certain molecules through small pores that cover their skin.

Legends among the humans who follow them claim that the Augurs were genetically engineered from an evil, insectoid race called �The Hive.� While at first these remarks were scoffed by the scientific community, this legend explains several things: the Augurs� somewhat human-like appearance; the Augurs� ability to speak human languages (although possessing a noticeable accent, more on that below); and the bizarre insectoid stage of life that Augurs experience.

Augurs condone religions of all sorts (not including the Reol traditionalistic faith, which they insist is not �proper�), although they seem to practice no religion of their own (though they often insist on being in positions of power within such religions). Augurs seem to lack artistic ability, however, it has been noted that they seem to enjoy the human arts of theater, art, and music; in fact, Augurkind is solely responsible for the survival of the brass instrument after the old galaxy was dispersed.

Augurs are mostly non-confrontational, usually using aggressive diplomacy in place of all-out war. Their own ships even retain a device, of sorts, that disables, instead of destroying, ships. Despite this apparent pacifism, Augurs will not hesitate to send their human allies into war if they deem it necessary.

Aside from all of their constant public-relations work, much is still not known about Augurs. What they eat (and how they eat it) and how they breed has yet to be determined. Augurs, by large, seem to be motivated by four things: Firstly, the desire to be highly respected; second, the desire to actively control their environment (which often means PR work for them); an apparent hatred for The Hive, and a severe dislike for the Reol faith (both challenge previous rules); and lastly, the imperative for their race to survive.

Additional Information:

The Accent: The Augurs accent is not what most humans think of when they hear �accent.� Indeed, the Augurs speak perfect and fluent English, but because of certain breathing structures they possess, they produce certain background noises while speaking. These noises sound somewhat like a flute quietly playing on random tones� not necessarily beautiful, not horribly dissident, and not any form of music.

Other unusual noises: Augurs emit a low-pitched purr/growl on occasion. While Augurs insist that there is no human equivalent to the emotion that moves them to make this noise, it seems to often correspond to a sense of irony (as they make it when they have experienced a loss at their own hands, and when their enemies fall at their hands).

Small details: Comparing human actions to Augur equivalents.

Telling jokes: Lying. Augurs �sense of humor� seems to consist mainly of elaborate lies and obvious lies. It would be comparable to the prank and practical joke.

Laughing at funny events: The Augurs sway their heads back and forth at events that humans find funny. This appears to be a genuine display of humor, and nothing more.

Laughing nervously at something unpleasant: An Augur would probably purr/growl.

Wanting to see how a story ends: Augurs have often times expressed anticipation.

Idle motion: Well, the same. Augurs often flex their joints and shift positions while idle. They can sit still if they want to.

Pride: Apparently a very similar feeling exists in Augurs.

Anger: Augurs restrain from displaying anger, but anger has a presence in them. In public, it most often takes the form of a long, hard glare.

Doodling: Augurs don�t doodle.

Hugging: Augurs touch humans and other Augurs often in public, yet have never hugged any individual.

Sizing up a stranger: Augurs do this all the time. Whenever someone new walks into a room, they are instantly subjected to the stares of Augurs.

Fistfighting: Don�t do this at all.

Stealing: Augurs are more likely to talk someone into giving up the object of their desire. They would bargain sooner than steal.

Running away from danger: Augurs would probably do this� or gather humans to confront the danger for them.

Laziness: Augurs seldom are lazy. They do get bored, however.

Praying: They�ve never done this in public.

Blushing: Purr/growling.

Talking in superior tones: They don�t use �tones.� However, if you spend enough time with an Augur you can tell what he/she thinks of you by their choice of words. Expect to be parsing their statements left and right, though.

Mating: Nothing is known about Augur sexes or mating behaviors. They keep their private lives extremely private.

Eating: Nothing is known about Augur foods or eating behaviors.

Government: While in control of the theocracy of their own creation, they allow humans to participate also. Want to have a rank? Two different paths assure a positive response.

Note: Augurs tend to disregard individual people and speak to the masses. However, this all changes when the individual distinguishes him/herself with intelligence and cunning. Some Augurs treat such individuals with extreme respect, while others attempt to distance themselves, thinking that clever humans are �too dangerous.�

This respect/distrust started with an individual named Porphyre, who discovered a strain of Pentecostal Christianity that posed a significant threat to the Augur theocracy. He made a deal with the Augurs, and kept the sect secret in exchange for being cryogenically preserved until conditions in the old galaxy improved. Unfortunately, the technology that allows for the unfreezing was lost. Porphyre lies frozen in the heart of a church. The first human �saint� in the Augur era.

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