Porphyre's Trading Post

Welcome to Porphyre's Trading Post. This page has FFE (and some original Elite) links and TEP contributions and links. Someday it may include information about the Commodore Elite (as I do not think one exists currently). If you're ever out frontiering on the razor end of Alliance space, drop on by, and we'll chat some. Until then...

Porphyre's TEP Shipyard (Ships and Ship Ideas)

Porphyre's TEP Armory (Weapons)

Porphyre's TEP General Store (Equipment)

Porphyre's Research Laboratory (Science ideas)

Porphyre's TEP Library (contains two stories)

Porphyre's Map Room (Sights to see in TEP)

Porphyre's Plot Page (Updated Plot Work)

Crusin' TEP (ways to get around in a big galaxy)

Porphyre's Art Gallery (scribblings by Porphyre)

Porphyre's Transaction Center (currency ideas)

Porphyre's Employment Agency (Jobs in TEP)

Porphyre's Crew Cabin (Crew Ideas for TEP)

The home page of The Elite Project. (Jades's)

TEP bits'n'bobs (Porphyre's)

TEP Resources (Gerd's)

The Official TEP Plot Page (Volnaris Solicarn's)

Porphyre's TEP Prequel Page (contains earlier plot work)

To come: More ships....More Ideas....More Stories....More!

Elite Links!
Elite was a classic game that was published under multiple platforms. It was published for Commodores, PCs, Acorns, BBCs, and NESs. Two sequels were later released--Frontier and Frontier: First Encounters. Below are links related to these games. Commander Porphyre currently plays the Commodore version and is rated 'Competent'...
Tell me what you think: Mail [email protected]