Porphyre's Research Lab


(Version 2.00 - 11 May 1999)

Explaining hyperspace: step by step

Includes explanations of:

- What hyperspace is
- Hyperspace clouds
- Misjumping
- Energy usage in hyperspace
- Why hyperspacing doesn't throw you into a parallel universe
- Why time flies in hyperspace
- Weapons in hyperspace
- Types of hyperdrives
- Classes of hyperdrives
- Why you can�t exit next to a planet
- Why your hyperdrive won't work in an atmosphere
- Hyperspace travel with jump-gates
- Hyperdrives as weapons
- Faster than light communication
- Pros and cons of this explanation.

What is Hyperspace? For some, it's a dimension. For others, it's a separate universe. For the purposes of this model, it's one or the other. Some explanation is necessary (obviously). You see, Realspace can be defined as a set of 3 dimensions and time. Hyperspace, while still in our universe, also can be defined as a set of 3 dimensions and time. These 3 dimensions behave in a similar manner as length, width, and heighth do in Realspace. Thus, while simply different dimensions, in some cases it acts as a different universe (as perceived in the 4 dimensions we sense).

Hyperspace Clouds: Hyperspacing 'punctures' Realspace momentarily. Because these punctures don't last forever, we must assume the universe reseals or 'heals' itself. Hyperspace clouds form because this sealing is not complete. For practical purposes, it is, as missiles and ships cannot follow one through hyperspace. This 'healing' is instantaneous, but it leaves microscopic perferations from which particles from hyperspace can enter Realspace. Almost all particles in hyperspace are too 'energetic' for our universe to hold. Thus upon hitting Realspace, these particles decay back to hyperspace. (This explains a shifting cloud of gaseous material that does not expand beyond a certain radius, the radius of the 'hole in the Realspace.') Photons are the only particles known to exist both in hyperspace and Realspace, and are also emitted in hyperspace clouds (This allows for a light show, or at the least, an illumination for the hyperspace cloud). Also, I think arrival clouds shouldn't appear until someone has actually arrived. Call it common sense.

Misjumping: Hyperspace holds particles too energetic for what we call Realspace. Realspace holds particles that are not energetic enough for hyperspace. A simple analogy that applies in the situation of staying in hyperspace is that of buoyancy. If you get 'hypermatter' (tachyons, etc.) and surround it with a field of realmatter, then the particles will not escape Realspace, as the matter 'weighs it down' enough to stay. In a similar fashion, if you surround realmatter with a field of hyperparticles, (assuming the field has enough particles) it will be 'buoyant' enough to stay in or enter into hyperspace. (This explains why larger ships take more fuel, they have a larger field to produce. Also, it means each ship can have a fixed consumption rate per drive rather than trying to figure it out by mass, or something even more complex.) However, this field's energy usage increases exponentially with the duration. (This explains why there is a limit to the jump distance.) If your drive fails, you lose your hypermatter field, and 'sink' or 'precipitate' into Realspace.

Energy usage in hyperspace: As soon as one enters hyperspace, the hyperdrive starts churning out a field of hyperparticles capable to keep one there. Although some drives can claim better efficiencies (Journeyman class 7) or more powerful entrys (a Masterdrive) they all fall victim to the same thing: they must eventually exit hyperspace. The hyperparticles generated by all hyperdrives are extremely energetic, and the field that they compose decays (relatively) rapidly. As the hyperdrive compensates for the decaying field, more energy is lost. It's a losing battle, and (on average) for every two hyperparticles generated, four are swept into the vastness of hyperspace. The reason drives with more powerful entries (with Journeyman or Masterdrives) can travel farther is: a more powerful entry gets one 'deeper' into hyperspace, and as one goes 'deeper', the distances are shorter.

Why hyperspacing doesn't throw you into a parallel universe: There is a single hyperspace associated with Realspace, so the movement 'sideways' in time does not shift you into a parallel hyperspace, as the temporal axis of hyperspace actually moves in sync with the movement of ours, making jumping into a parallel universe not only difficult, but impossible.

Why time flies in hyperspace: Hyperspace has a temporal axis nearly perpendicular to that of our universe�s. This means as you spend time in hyperspace, you move �sideways� through time rather that �forward.� (For the most part�) Because this sideways motion is not felt by humans, we don�t perceive it. However, as mentioned previously, the axes are not exactly perpendicular, indeed, the temporal axis of hyperspace is slightly inclined in the direction of ours, so we can perceive about one minute for every two weeks and the necessary calculations can be carried out by the computer. (that being the maximum jump of any non-experimental human hyperdrive)

Weapons in hyperspace: Missles, particle accelerators, and mass drivers cannot be used in hyperspace. They are, generate, or propel objects which are made of our matter. Upon firing, they would decay out of hyperspace into Realspace and would probably end up in interstellar space. Lasers work in hyperspace.

Drive Types: I have addressed some of the technical issues about drives above (as related to misjumping, etc.). However, I feel another issue that should be addressed is why the different drive types exist.

Drive classes: Each drive type has more than one class. Each class improves the efficiency of the drive, saving fuel and making slightly larger jumps possible. Jump range does not improve as drastically as it would with a change in type, however. An improvement of one class in a Journeyman is twice as effective as a one class in a Tyro drive, and an improvement of one class is three times as effective in a Masterdrive than in a Journeyman. Thus, while the Masterdrive Mk 2 is the most powerful drive available, the Journeyman class 7 is the most efficient.

Why entry points are always 'x' AUs away from planets: I think the best way to explain this would be to say that gravitrons (gravitic distortions, whatever) spawn a hyperparticle that flows away from gravity wells (much like gravity itself). Sadly, these particles cannot be harnessed by the hyperdrive, and instead exert a pressure on any ship wanting to come closer than 'x' AUs from their source, and the 'x' is proportional to its mass. One can actually (if one modifies the hyperdrive) come a little closer to the planet, but again, the power usage of the hyperdrive increases exponentially while in hyperspace, so one would lose any type of fuel efficiency the hyperdrive has, and wouldn't even get that much farther in Realspace. Most are happy, anyway, at the default hyperdrives use, as it gets you as far as it can before the incoming flow of particles exerts a force strong enough to really increase fuel consumption. {{Flend first suggested this should be explained, and he did so a little differently.}}

Why your hyperdrive won't work in an atmosphere: There had been several reports of radiation poisoning due to hyperspace clouds. While all ships in service have a thick enough hull to protect their passengers, there was a problem with people on the surface, and some problems with atmospherical effects around the clouds. Because of this, a summit was held among the major powers of the time, and it was agreed hyperspacing should not be allowed in atmospheres. All hyperdrives in existence were retro fitted with a simple device to detect an atmosphere and not allow jumps while in it. Later that year, all new drives were released with that device standard, and the practice continues today. (although it is rumored that some black market shipyards will install some older hyperdrives that do not have this feature)

Hyperspace travel with Jumpgates: Jumpgates have a more powerful entry than most hyperdrives (other than the Masterdrives... if ever miniturized for use in a hyperdrive, the current technology in jumpgates would rate at about a Journeyman class 9.4245), and it propels into the �past� of hyperspace. While in hyperspace, the Realmatter particles that compose you and your ship drift towards Realspace (faster than would a ship with a hyperdrive). Once you reach the point where hyperspace�s temporal axis overlaps with ours (the present, always, but both axes move, thus time passes) you spontaneously decay out of hyperspace into Realspace. If all goes well, you�ll be in the right place. Jumpgates yield true blue clouds. Jumpgates are restricted to the price of the fuel that powers them, and are a little more expensive than jumping with a hyperdrive. However, owners of small ships that do not have hyperdrives standard often do not purchase hyperdrives because they do not plan to own the ships long enough to save from the difference. Jumpgates have their niche, but are not always the best option.

Hyperdrives as weapons: There have been several recorded uses of tampering with hyperdrives prior to jumping. Several cruel terrorists have altered the hyperdrives to create a field around only a portion of the ship (nominally the portion around the hyperdrive), so that part of the ship will fall out of hyperspace and into realspace. Few have survived this attack, as it breaks the hull of the ship and exposes the inside of the cabin to the energies of hyperspace (survivable with moderate radiation burns) and the vacuum of interstellar Realspace. Another tactic used in the early days was to generate the field within the ship, thus turning everything 'inside out'. For nearly a century the Cult of Aries used this method to kill opposition leaders, and many thought at the time that it was a natural effect of hyperspace (which they had taken to calling witchspace).

Faster than Light Communication: FTL communication . Tachyon Comms work by emitting tachyons in uniform patterns in specific directions. The tachyons then decay into hyperspace. One may communicate FTL with ships in hyperspace. The Navies often uses encrypted tachyon signals to communicate mission objectives and hazards to ships en route. Most companies and Navies use couriers for this reason: the courier can be given the information either while docked or while en route, and then transmit it to the intended source once they reach their destination. Journals are also transmitted in this fashion.

Tachyon Net: A modified ftl comm. that creates a large tachyon field in hyperspace that causes near instantaneous misjump in any ship pass through. Best used in conjunction with a hyperspace jammer near a common destination planet (when ships are most dependent on their hyperdrive fields to continue their journey). Note that interception of interplanetary craft dependant on jumpgates is impossible (and pirates often use this tactic for this reason: no puny, worthless craft). Moderately illegal, available only through certain pirate clans which have an apparent 'monopoly' on this device.
Time flying: I originally modeled this to be similar to FFE. We may wish to depart from this in certain aspects. We could change the time shift to anything we want, though we'd want to consider the implications it would have on trading rumors, etc.

---The Pros and Cons of my explanation of 'my' hyperspace---

Pros: Explains what hyperspace is; Explains hyperspace clouds; Explains coloring of hyperspace clouds; Explains misjumping; Explains energy usage in hyperspace; Explains time acceleration in hyperspace (to avoid that B5 feel); Explains why missiles, mass drivers, and particle accelerators don't work in hyperspace; Explains types and classes of hyperdrives; Explains why you can�t exit next to a planet; Explains why your hyperdrive won't work in an atmosphere; Explains hyperspace travel with jump-gates; Explains hyperdrives as weapons; Provides an explanation of FTL communication; Allows for a countdown (as original Elite) without requiring it; Allows in-ship drives; Explains why you can't follow a ship into hyperspace; allows for visuals in hyperspace (photons are present in both hyperspace and Realspace... translation, light's there!); explains many other effects.

Cons: It allows lasers in hyperspace; Some people _want_ to navigate and/or combat in hyperspace and my explanation wouldn't allow this (at least the part about 'why time flies in hyperspace)...

The final con is that I, myself, may be unable to find the major faults with this because this is my creation, so tell me if you spot anything inconsistent.

For more 'TEP physics,' go to Ben Motz's Physics page.

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