Porphyre's TEP Library

Imperialistic Tendencies

By James 'Porphyre' Grahn

The events leading to Porphyre's Naval carrier with the Empire.

It's basically a warm-up for what's to come.


By James 'Porphyre' Grahn

The Empire sends Porphyre to BeBeCe to investigate some unusual readings... possibly alien... What Porphyre finds is the Elite Bar, its patrons, a man who makes a horrible prophecy, and the truth behind the coming of the Augurs.

By James 'Porphyre' Grahn

My attempt at an epic for TEP.   The story connects FFE and TEP through the Elite Bar.   All of the story ideas noted in the "More to come" section are used as backstory.   This is my masterwork in the fiction department of TEP.
---More to come?---
Any stories I complete from now one will likely include: some of Rob's ships, more of my ships, and prequels to "Awakenings": Porphyre's 'escape' from the Empire, Porphyre settling down in the Alliance, and Porphyre's last true adventure. I'm not sure how prolific I can be, but I'll do my best...

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