Assassin/Bounty Hunting/Mercenary

By James 'Porphyre' Grahn

Mercenaries are a key factor in TEP; the ability to engage in dubious activities of these sorts is representative of the freedom from structure that TEP allows. The tasks of mercenaries fall under many categories:

1. Assassin: Clean and simple. Hunt down a ship, avoid the authorities, and deliver proof of death to your employer.

2. Kidnap: Hunt down a ship, extract a passenger either by means of an ejectable cabin or physical docking, avoid the authorities, deliver the man to your employer or whomever s/he specifies.

3. Protection: See the Guarding and Escorting page. This is more or less legal, depending on who you're protecting.

4. Wanted: Dead or Alive: Ah, the mercenary turns vigilante for pay. Deliver scum to justice just to get that rosy feeling inside, or blow them to bits for a lesser reward. Works like a legal version of kidnapping or assassination.

5. Arrest: Another legal version of kidnapping, without the option to kill. Bounty hunting. Successful delivery of the convict for a fee.

6. Execute: Another legal version of assassination, without the option to merely arrest. Bounty hunting. Proof of death of the convict results in credits on your account.

7. Our Country needs You!: Rather than joining the military, you could provide odd jobs for them for pay. These odd jobs have varying degrees of legality, and can involve participation in a battle or covert ops. Most nations have leagues of mercenaries (though most won't acknoledge that that's what they are) and you can rise in ranks of these, as well, growing more trusted every year.

The Tools of the Trade:

Escape Capsule: Just in case, eh?

A Fighter: Having a ship specialized to fight would be an advantage, considering the confrontational nature of this work.

ID verification: Though typically standard, it would be particularly important to verify your target.

System Scanner: Find your target, take it out.

Weapons and Defenses: Not that bad of an idea.


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