Skills in TEP

By James 'Porphyre' Grahn

Skills would pertain toward crew members, and they would describe exactly what a crew member is capable of.

Major skills:

Minor skills:

Crew members might display specialist behavior or generalist. Specialists would be desirable for larger ships, while a small ship would need generalists to keep it going. Generalists would never display the level of sophistication as specialists, but they would be far more flexible.

For ships with smaller crews (say 2-4), you'd have to adjust your priorities yourself. Obviously an engineer is more useful than a communications man, and a weapons operator more than commander on a small ship. And there'd still be one seater ships where you have the pleasure of taking care of yourself and being the ultimate generalist.

We could also have general skills, if we wished, which would take certain skills out of different categories just to indicate human flexibility, but they'd have to pale in comparison to specialists. Imagine a communications guy trying to fire a coil gun... obviously not a good idea (or an engineer trying to communicate ;-) ).

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