
By James 'Porphyre' Grahn

Parcels and passengers have to cross the interstellar void in TEP just as today they need to cross cities, oceans and the world. There are many ways in which to be a courier:

1. Taxi: People who don't have starships still need to get around.   Depending on the specifics of the mission, you might be asked to travel one-way or on a round-trip circuit.

2. The Passenger from Hell: A passenger who pays you, then stays on board.   If you don't kick him out, he'll just lurk around, occasionally spouting useful advice and insanely annoying drivel.

3. Tourists: Tourists pay you very well, but they insist on sight-seeing.   First they want to see the gas giant, then the populated world of the system, then the moon of that world.   If you can put up with all the piloting, their cash is worth your trouble.   You'll need to have a good reputation to attract tourists.

4. Shuttle runs: If sheer drudgery is your idea of fun, then you'll love lifting items from the surface to orbiting stations and ships.

5. Freelanced Courier: This idea is kind of simple.   Someone wants you to deliver and/or pick-up a package.  Payment on delivery.

6. Government Courier: Neither rain nor snow nor stellar flare shall keep you from your appointed rounds.   This work is steadier than freelanced jobs you encounter, but you don't get as much money per package.   Also, vast penalties can be earned if you intentionally misplace package or deliver it unreasonably late.   Welcome to civil service.

7. Corporate Courier: Essentially the same job as the government courier, this job brings with it higher salaries with stricter punishments.

8. Contraband Smuggler: Not much to explain; a freelance courier in a life of crime.   Carry illegal goods from system to system.

9. Mule: This is not a job that you choose, but rather one you have thrust upon you.   Unless you're steadily employed, you might want to conduct cargo inventories from time to time just to rule out the possibility of contraband.   Someone may try to play you for the fool...

10. Acquisition Agent: If someone wants something they're too lazy to get themselves, you can step in.   If the item is fairly common, you might look around for it at a price below market value.   If the item is rare, you'd better snatch up the first you find.   Either way, you're entitled to the market value plus a percentage.

The Tools of the Trade:

Escape Capsule: Just in case, eh?

A Fighter: Having a ship specialized to fight would be an advantage, considering the confrontational nature of this work.

ID verification: Though typically standard, it would be particularly important to verify your target.

System Scanner: Find your target, take it out.

Weapons and Defenses: Not that bad of an idea.


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