Porphyre's Prequel Endgame Suggestions

The Situation:

It appears that a cosmic string has destroyed Andromeda. It's heading toward us. Big problem.

It moves according to its own geometries, occasionally shifting and even disappearing as it moves, but only to reappear. It's very design challenges the (future) computers (much like weather today)... but one thing is certain from all of the predictions: it's heading for us (and will arrive in (20-30? years).

After the string is discovered, the Augurs show up.

The Augurs: They are a race far more human-like than the Thargoids. They appear to be really benevolent. They endorse religions (and even inspire a few). They gather popular support through a carefully managed series of public announcements and appearances. Though no government dare actually release statements opposing the Augurs, many have suspicions about this 'talent' of leading the public like a flock of sheep, especially the Empire and the Regiment. The Alliance is cringing the Augur's anti-Thargoid statements, also. Speaking of those anti-Thargoid statements, the Augurs seem to make at least one per speech. This is all well and good until the Thargoids show up...

The Thargoids: The Thargoids come later. They had disappeared shortly after renewed contact with humanity. They claim that the Augurs are a race that they have been battling for centuries. This fighting was renewed after the Thargoid�s second coming (to humanity) and humanity�s relatively accepting reaction (Thus the Thargs disappeared to fight them). They claim that the Augurs simply want humanity to be trapped in the galaxy when it is swallowed up/dispersed by the cosmic string� so that humanity will be easy pickings for the Augurs with their advanced drives. The Thargoids say that the Augurs believe by doing this, they are eliminating a potential ally for the Thargoids. The Thargoids also claim that they want to help humanity by providing their advanced drives to escape.

The mix:

� The Augurs say that the Thargoids have their own plot for decimating humanity: by giving them a faulty drive.

� The Thargoids say that�s ridiculous, as humanity would be decimated anyway.

� The Augurs state that it would be pointless to kill off humanity when they have such popular support.

� The Thargoids deftly point out that some governments (The Alliance and Empire) have already switched over to their side, and that popular opinion doesn�t mean squat when the governments (with their militaries) don�t hold the same opinion.

� The Thargoids claim that the Augurs have the technology to evacuate humanity.

� The Augurs mutter things similar to a Prime Directive, and make a lot of references to religion to squirm out of that one.

� The Augurs say that the Thargoids lied about their species� former relations.

� The Thargoids squirm out of that one by saying that it was �close enough to the truth�

And so on.

Political round-up by now:

Alliance: Pro-Tharg, anti-Augur. Black ops to aid the FFM. Support of LTS. Trying to find a �solution� to the Regiment crisis.

Federation: Mildly pro-Augur. Anti-FFM.

FFM: Neutral as far as the aliens go. Anti-Federation. Anti-Empire.

Empire: Mildly pro-Tharg, slightly anti-Augur. Black ops carried out against the FFM and LTS.

LTS: Pro-Augur, a little anti-Tharg. Having pirate problems. Black ops against the black ops of the Empire (counter-intelligence).

Regime of Alkaid: Mildly pro-Tharg. Anti-Alliance. Mildly anti-human (other humans, that is�).

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