Prequel Plot Ideas

Missions-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Political Victories/Defeats/Aftermaths


Federation Missions: Federation missions would include the standard package/passenger missions as a starting point. Next,you'd run packages from the Federation to the CIS and Empire, paying a lot more, and a lot more dangerous. You would be offered a position in the Tri-Alliance, eventually. War breaks out with the FFM. During a war, rank advancement rates would be doubled for any job. If the Federation wins against the FFM, the leaders of the Federation, including most of those whom the Empire bought, get greedy, and believing they can beat anyone, start to skirmish against the Empire. In the initial skirmishes, the Federation comes out victorious, and this further convinces the Federal leaders that they are undefeatable. Military strikes against Imperial targets would follow, leading up the climatic battle of Achnear. The game wouldn't end, but if you survive the war, you'll acheive hero status (in the Federation, not Elite ranking). If you run from the fight, you will be expelled from the Federation and the Federation will lose the battle.

The Free Federation Movement: After you reach a certain rank in the Federation, you'd be contacted by a man in a bar. He'll say, "The Federation once held human rights to be sacred. Now they desecrate them daily. We, the Free Federation Movement want to make the Federation what it once was: a land of freedoms and rights, and a place we are proud to call home. You have come to our attention as one with a sufficient rank to be effective in our fight. I'm not going to lie to you: joining us will mean disobeying orders, stealing information, and aiding and abetting known criminals in the Federation. But in exchange for all that, we can give you freedom, we can give you the truth, and we can open all of our resources to you." If you accept, you will be given a welcome and your first FFM mission. If you decline, the agent will say, "Then it is my duty to inform you that you are now an enemy of the FFM. May God help us all." All FFM agents will always stress freedom and truth, and will almost always have good motives (though they are occationally misinformed). Assassinations and bombing runs are rare (until war breaks loose), and most often FFM missions involve stealing (information or packages), rescue missions, and photography missions. The reason for so few bombing/assassination missions? The FFM can't afford a drop in its already low popularity, and any such mission would be twisted by the Federation Journals into a mindless terrorist attack. So in the meanwhile, the FFM bides its time, gathering information, and feeding it back to the public. Several items are unique to the FFM, including several top-secret equipment items (stolen from the Federation's research wing) and the Banshee (the flagship of the FFM). Some of the 'top-secret equipment items' would never be seen by the player, and wouldn't even have to be coded. Eventually, war would be declared. The FFM makes intelligent strikes, but could be overmatched. (see victories/defeats/aftermaths for more)

Empire Missions: The Empire will offer the standard package/passenger missions at the beginning. As you rise in rank, bombing missions to the CIS will be offered (during these missions, you won't be 'officially' employed by the Empire, but you'll rise in rank all the same), in addition the passenger/package missions to the Federation and photography missions to the Federation. You can join the Tri-Alliance through the Empire. After you preform many missions against the Federation, the Federation will collapse (though not officially) to the Empire. The Empire will win, missions against the Federation will cease, and being of Imperial rank will allow you to get away with anything within the Federation- no crime will be punished. Next, the Empire will occupy the CIS to 'help deal with the pirate threat.' There will be a few revolts to put down, but if you win, Empire will be contented. It will calm, and military missions will slow to a near halt.

Alliance Missions: The Alliance tries to keep the peace. Missions will start at ground level, of course, but will eventually settle into a cycle of diplomat-gathering missions and discovery missions. But that's not all. There will also be propaganda missions for the FFM and against the Regiment, aid missions to the FFM, passenger missions to 'insert' Alliance loyalists into the Federation's government, and bombing missions against the Tri-Alliance. If you reach a high rank in the Alliance, a few final battles will play out against Tri-Alliance, and it will collapse. If you have a ranking in the Alliance and reach dangerous, you can start missions for the Elite council. If you carry out enough successful missions for the Alliance, victory will come in three parts: #1. The Tri-Alliance collapses, the Thargoids thank you. #2. The journals announce that the Alliance is the most prosperous nation in the galaxy. #3. War is averted, and the CIS survives.

Commonwealth Missions: The CIS would also start with the ground level missions of package and passenger running. However, in the CIS one advances in ranks faster than any other political body. Soon message missions to the Federation become available, as do missions against pirate bands. On all CIS sponsered raids against the pirate bands, the kills going to Elite rank are doubled (as the Elite Council is in the CIS). Once you reach the Elite ranking of dangerous, you can start missions for the Elite Council. The CIS is also trying its hand at counter-espionage. Suprisingly, the newcomers are fairly skilled at these operations. Thus, the CIS has two possible victories: #1 work for peace, like the Alliance, or #2 encourage an armed conflict between the Federation and Empire through disinformation. If one chooses the second alternative, you can watch both the Federation and Empire come near to collaspe, the conflict ending in a draw.

The Regiment: Various missions of package running to begin with, but soon you could preform missions to independent and Alliance systems, such as package, photography, and bombing missions. The Regiment has slow advancement rates, so no untrustworthy fellows make it to high ranks, yet it gives away many, many medals, so everyone feels like they are 'part of the movement.' The Regiment has one possible victory: expansion.

The Elite Council: Umm... to get missions, you must have a combat ranking of at least Dangerous and to join, you have to be involved in either the Alliance, Empire, FFM, or CIS and be Elite. It has an open bar. There would be a mission with the reward of a Thargoid warship...

The Elite Bar: Possible focal point of the endgame? We've got to do something with it. I've still got to talk to Bee about it. I think in the end, Bee and Co. would create an ark to save the beloved life forms of BeBeCe (alas, even the mimes, as some fish have evolved to eating the dead ones), and recreate BeBeCe at the other end... of course, I could be wrong...

Tri-Alliance: Bombing missions against Thargoid targets, assassinations of 'Thargoid influenced' Alliance figures. When the other aliens arrive, these guys get a little schizophrenic. They don't know whether to trust the new aliens or to shoot on sight.

Thargoids: I've heard several good ideas concerning this, but have recently formulated my own... I think that the Thargoids should remain mysteriously absent until the events leading up to the endgame starts. For more on this, look at my endgame page.

Augurs: A mysterious new alien race that shows up at the first signs that the galaxy is about to blow. They convince most that they are well meaning. They keep making statements about how humanity must learn to accept its fate. The Empire, Regiment, and Tri-Alliance are very suspicious of these newcomers. Just before the endgame starts, the Thargoids arrive and explain that the Augurs are their enemies and plan to loot humanity after the galaxy disperses. However, it's not clear who humanity can trust, even at the end.

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Political Victories

The Alliance:

The Federation:

The FFM:

The Empire:

The CIS:

The Regiment:

Once your political entity wins, it does not mean the end for you. After an Alliance victory, for example, I could go do a few small missions for the Empire, Federation, or CIS and later join the Elite Federation. After a Federal victory, one could do a few small missions for the CIS and later join the Elite Federation. Recall that I said the Empire would publish favorable articles about the E. Fed. The Empire admires the E. Fed., and would allow them to continue to exist. After an Imperial victory, one could do small jobs and exploratory missions for the Alliance and then join the E. Federation. After a Confederate victory, you could do small jobs for any political body and then join the Elite Federation. As you can see, the Elite Federation would become critical as the game goes on and ideas concerning it would be most welcome. The 'End of the World' plot could be put in after one joins the E. Federation.

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Thanks to Volnaris Solicarn, Bee-Team, Dazz, and everyone else who provided feedback.

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