Trading Ideas

By James 'Porphyre' Grahn

Trading is probably one of the most vital parts of TEP. Flend is in the process of creating a trading engine that will reward risk with gain through profit. This true economic modeling will pay both the incidental and dedicated trader when they have their wits about them. The different sorts of trading follow:

1. Freelanced Legal: The most popular form of trading would likely be freelanced. You pick up goods at point A and take them to whatever point B gives you the greatest profit. Keep your eyes open for favorable signs and listen for rumors as you go.

2. Freelanced Illegal: Trading in illegal goods requires a delicate knowledge of supply, demand, and the black market. You may often have to locate a buyer in advance, to stage a covert randezvous on a planet's surface or in space. On the other hand, black markets may be well established in some systems, complete with a (mobile) trading post for your convienence. Be careful of the inflitrations of police and their sting operations, though.

3. Lines of supply: There are some situations that necessitate a more steady line of supply than the free market can provide. The military on occasion needs such a supply line (in times of invasion), and a new colony must have a steady supply of goods in order to thrive. You would be paid a steady wage to transport predetermined goods to the colony or frontlines. Escorts may be provided (or not), but a ship bristling with arms would be advised.

4. Convoy: Convoys are organized to take advantage of good trading profits in bad locations. These may either be organized in response to a rumor or by the request of a group (see lines of supply above). This structure provides guards for a fleet of trading craft.

5. Smuggling: Basically, more illegal trade, only this time more organized, and perhaps even a part of an underground association, such as an anti-government group, the military of another nation, or organized crime.

Tools of the Trade:

Cargo bay: Narf.

Cencomp Upgrade: Just a little module to let you know when you've got illegal goods in a system and what goods you stand to make a profit on in the system.

Trading ship: Trading ships are generally preferred in the business because they have larger cargo bays.


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