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The Thunder God Shall Return Again! At least, that's what the Thorites always preached, along with a heavy doctrine of revenge. However, the corporation known as Alchemax wished to control the people through their faith while downplaying the sudden appearance of new heroes branded with Heroic Age name tags. Thus, they decided to create the Aesir, a group of humans enhanced with technology to resemble the tales of yesteryear. Fortunately, the Aesir Project was a failure, but not a complete waste. In the wake of the fall of Alchemax, the Reverend Cecil McAdam has taken up Mjolnir and has decided to use his technological gift to cleanse the name of his god and followers. He has become Thor, God of Thunder!!!


What's New!? This Site's Updates
What EXACTLY Is The 2099 UG!?
The Fall of the Hammer (Marvel Series)
The Mighty Thor's Friends, Allies, & Enemies
The Mighty Thor's Underground Adventures
Future Tense: A Guide to the World of 2099
Bifrost, The Links to Midgard

Please read the Disclaimer & Thanks

There have been Thorites to kneel down at this site.

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