An Airman is what I used to be until I retired after 26 years in 1992. Now I'm a VA MCCR Billing Clerk and Star Trek fan (and when Star Trek was not in style back in the '60s) in Seattle who is an ex-SMSgt, USAF-Retired, a SCUBA diver, a Chess Player, an ex-Air Crewmember, an ex-1st Shirt, an ex-Superintendent, etc., etc.,...ex-something but an excellent father (I hope), a better husband (I think), a good-looking computer geek (sometimes), a better-looking SCI-FI reader, (in my mind).
Now that I have explode the outer limits of my credibility and permitted leash of my controlled and mannered behavior, I give to you the last (I hope not) and only (I sure I'm wrong) fortress of peace, compound of freedom, and unlimited vastness of letter-sized ideas and SCI-FI links called my home page...Mahalo!
Miyamato Musashi Dilbert Robert Heinlein "Mark's So-Called Homepage" Issac Asimov Galileo Benjamin Franklin Sorcrates Mr. Spock
Date: 18 Oct 96 11:36 PDT Subject: HAIKU 03-02-95 Message-ID: [email protected]
Proactive statements from various sources but mostly from Covey:
"If you want to interact effectively with me, to influence me - your spouse, your child, your neighbor, your boss, your co-worker, your friend - you first need to understand me. And you can't do that with technique alone. If I sense you're using some technique, I sense duplicity, manipulation. I wonder why you're doing it, what your motives are. And I don't feel safe enough to open myself up to you."
"Because we are, by nature, proactive, if our lives are a function of conditioning and conditions, it is because we have, by conscious decision or by default, chosen to empower those things to control us"(!).
"Insecure people think that all reality should be amenable to their paradigms. They have a high need to clone others, to mold them over into their own thinking. They don't realize that the very strength of the relationship is in having another point of view. Sameness is uncreative... and boring. The essence of synergy is to VALUE the differences." (emphasis added)
"We can leave money in a regular bank account, do nothing with it, and have it grow anyway, or at least stay steady. Emotional Bank Accounts don't work that way. If we don't tend to them through regular deposits, they lose value."
"Seek first to understand, THEN to be understood."
Links to other sites on the Web
...Loco boy's toilet papar at Kakaipa Camp and Camp 45... ...the head cheese or current benefactor! ...ex-head cheese or ex-benefactor! ...the PAST and the flashbacks... ...the Future and hopes...
...and to return to Ceridon's of the price of Freedom!!
This section contains links to mine, favorites, files, resumes, etc. etc. etc. etc........(remember Yul Brunner in the "King and I?") For example: one of my reason for living...! Another favorite of mine is very exhurbarent(sp?).
Copyright � 2001 Kealoha Ceridon, Ideas are always welcome, free or otherwise. However I do reserve the right to publish on my page or the recycle page. Send the ideas to the BLACK HOLE , where nothing ever escapes....not even light! ( You get the idea.) or if you can escape to my first page.