History of the Borg
        The Borg are a cybernetically advanced race that are partially organic, and partially synthetic life.  The species operates as a collective consciousness.  They have a complex subspace communication network that connects all Borg drones to function as one being.  The species implants artificial intelligence devices directly into their brains so they are linked to the hive mind.  Borg operations are classified into specific subcommands such as defence, communication and navigation.  The Borg are controlled by a hierarchical command structure that protects against unauthorized control overrides.  Their collective strength involves ship, self defence and regeneration.  Injured Borg are disconnected and self destruct.  The Borg collective pursues technological and biological consumption.  They believe their goal is to raise the quality of life for all species that they assimilate.  The species originated in the Delta quadrant, and have a vast space with millions of planets.  They exhibit a high degree of intelligence in their combat tactics.  They have the ability of adapting to opposing threats by modifying their defences, this is done to counteract resistance.
Queen's Borg Ship

        Borg ships are in a cubical shape and carry tractor beams, phasers, and proton torpedoes.  Their shields are extensively advanced and are impossible to destroy.  Any damaged areas when encountering resistance is instantly re-absorbed.  There are no bridges, or other specific rooms in a Borg ship.  All controls of the ship are connected to the Borg's conscious.  Allowing them to have quick maneuvers and defensive procedures.  They scan their victims with a polarone beam which gives tactical information on the victims defence capability.  Individual life signs cannot be registered by the victims scans.  There are also two other ship designs that the Borg use.  One is a  Borg sphere, which is used as a general purpose shuttle craft.  It is also used as a escape craft when resistance is met.  Each Borg is responsible for certain tasks and therefore equipped with the proper hardware.  Each Borg finishes tasks quickly and efficiently.  If there is resistance from the species that is being assimilated, another Borg is sent in to continue the task.

Q Who?

        The "First Contact" between the Borg and the Federation occurred in 2365 on stardate 42761.3 when the mischievous entity known as Q transported the U.S.S. Enterprise-D seven thousand light years across the galaxy into the Delta Quadrant.  It is here that the Enterprise-D confronted the first Borg cube.  Guinan who is an El-Aurian, warned Captain Jean-Luc Picard that the Borg were responsible for the destruction of her peoples home world in 2265, and countless other worlds.  Only a small group of survivors were able to escape.  Now they are spread throughout the galaxy, with no home.  The Borg began sending survey drones to the Enterprise to analyse the Enterprise's defence and weaponry capability.  The Borg carved a piece out the of Enterprise's hull, causing damage to the Enterprise and the death of eighteen crew members.  The Borg concluded that the Enterprise and its crew were inferior to their technology and would be assimilated.  The Q intervenes once again and sends the Enterprise back to the Alpha Quadrant.  Star Fleet Command began designing top secret strategies and top secret weaponry and defence technology from the information they obtained from their encounter.  This would help prepare them against Borg incursions in the future.

The Best of Both Worlds

        In 2366, on stardate 43989.1, Starfleet Command got disturbing information of a possible Borg presence when they received news of the destruction of the New Providence colony at Jouret IV.  The Borg were also responsible for the destruction of the starship Lalo near Zeta Alpha II and have also annihilated several outposts on both sides of the Neutral Zone.  The Borg proceeded on a direct coarse toward sector 001 at high warp.  The Enterprise-D, which was the first ship to encounter the Borg, were sent to delay the Borg, so the Federation could organize a defence strategy.  Chief Engineer Geordi LaForge and Lt. Commander Data had discovered a plan to destroy the Borg cube by using their deflector dish.  On stardate 43997, the Borg abducted Captain Jean-Luc Picard and implanted him with cybornetical devices and linked him to the Hive Mind.  Picard was given the designation, Locutus.  Locutus was a liaison to bridge the gulf between humanity and the Borg.  He was also a counterpart to the Borg Queen.  The Enterprise's attempts to delay the Borg failed, since Locutus retained full knowledge of the Enterprises tactical strategies.  The Borg cube continued its coarse to sector 001.  A Federation and Klingon armada of forty ships engaged the Borg at Wolf 359.  The armada was defeated swiftly, with 39 ships eliminated and 11,000 lives lost. The Enterprise-D successfully captured Locutus, which Locutus considered an "incorrect strategy."  Locutus remained on the Enterprise while the Borg cube continued on its original coarse.  Lt. Commander Data linked up with Locutus and discovered that the Borg commands were divided into sub-commands.  The Borg realize a danger and change their coarse to intercept the Enterprise-D.  Seeing no other option, Commander Riker orders the Enterprise to crash into the Borg cube, in order to save Earth.  Just in time, Lt. Commander Data inputs a command into the Borg collective.  He puts the Borg to sleep and the Borg accidentally self destruct from the unauthorized command.

I Borg

        In 2368 on stardate 4584.2, The Enterprise-D discovers a Borg scout wreckage that crash landed on a small moon in the Angolis Cluster.  Four Borg drones died, and one drone was severally damaged.  The drones designation was three of five, but was named ‘Hugh' by Geordi LaForge.  The crew wanted to unleash a invasive program into the Borg collective that would destroy the entire race.  Influences from the crew began changing Hugh character.  He displayed more and more signs of individuality.  It was later decided by Jean-Luc Picard to not proceed with the original plans because it seemed unethical to use a young adolescent as a weapon of mass destruction.  The crew returned Hugh to where they had found him, and was rescued by another Borg scout ship.  Hugh's individuality was then passed on to the other Borg drones.  The drones could not comprehend this information  and became disorientated.  The collective disconnected the drones from the Hive Mind, so that the error would not continue.

         Data's evil twin brother, Lore manages to locate the Rogue Borg and makes himself leader.  Lore gives the Borg a new sense of direction.  Lore sends the Rogue Borg attack the Federation science outpost at Ohniaka III, in 2369 on stardate 46982.1.  The Rogue Borg have designed a new type of Borg vessel, which is no longer cubical in shape.  a Borg drone designated as Crosis is captured by the Enterprise crew.  Crosis persuades Lt. Commander Data to escape with him to a planet in the Delta Quadrant.  Activating a Borg transwarp conduit, Data and Crosis disappear with a stolen shuttle craft.  The Enterprise crew manages to duplicate the procedures to activate the transwarp conduit.  When the Enterprise crew finds Data, they also find Lore who has control over the Rogue Borg and is seducing Data with a emotion chip.  The emotion chip was created for Data by Data's inventor Dr. Noonien Soong, but was stolen by Lore.  Lore plans to rule the galaxy, but his plans are ruined when Hugh resists him.  Lore is dismantled and Data saves the emotion chip to use one day when he is prepared.

First Contact
        In 2373, the borg engage a second attempt to assimilate Earth.  Admiral Hayes organized a armada of Federation vessels in the Typhon sector.  The armada was not showing effective resistence against the Borg, until the Enterprise- E intervened.  Against Starfleet orders, Captain Picard took over the fleet.  The Admiral ship was destroyed and the Defiants life support was failing.  Picard was able to find a weakness in the Borg ship.  The Borg were experiencing power fluctuations in the Borg ship and enabled safe mode.  Picard ordered the fleet to fire upon a target that did not seem to be a vital system.  The Borg ship was defeated, but just before it exploded it released a Borg sphere shaped shuttle craft that continued toward Earth.  The Borg sphere activated a temporal rift.  The Enterprise was on a pursuit course and fell into a temporal wake.  The Borg had gone into the past and  altered the timeline, but the Enterprise-E was unaffected by the changes in the timeline due to the temporal wake.  The Enterprise entered the portal and found the sphere firing on Zephran Cochranes first warp drive capable ship, the Pheonix.  The Enterprise fired quantom torpedoes and destroyed the sphere.  However, the crew was unaware that the Borg Queen and a number of Borg had beamed over to the Enterprise undetected.  Engineering crew Alpha beamed to the missile silo and repaired the damage made by the Borg.  Meanwhile, the Enterprise crew battled the Borg, who had taken control of deck 16.  Lt. Commander Data locked out the main computer with a fractile encryption code, making it highly unlikely for the Borg to gain control of the ships main functions.  Security teams were sent in to defend the Enterprise from the Borg.  Data was captured by the Borg in one of the battles.  He was persuaded by the Borg Queen, that if he joined the collective, she would give him what he always wanted, fleash and blood.  The Collectives objective was to establish a interplexing beacon that would allow them to communicate to the Borg living in this time period.  There plans were eliminated when Captain Picard, along with Lt. Commander Worf and Lt. Hawk destroyed the beacon.  The Borg proceeded to take control of decks, and the their weapons were useless.  It was recommended by Lt. Commander Worf, to intiate the self destruct sequence, and evacuate the Enterprise.  Captain Picard was allowing his personal feelings about the Borg to influence his judgement, but was convinced by Lily to destroy the Enterprise, in order to save humanity.  Captain Picard did not join the others, he instead went down to engineering to try a bargain for Lt. Commander Data's life.  Picard was willing to return to the Borg as Locutus, if the Borg Queen would release Data.  Data did not want to leave and was now the Borg Queens new 'equal'.  Data deativated the auto destruct sequence and the fractile encryption code.  The Borg Queen ordered Data to fire upon the Pheonix, but intentionaly missed.  Data punctured one of the coolent tanks and vapourized the Borg Queen and the all of her drones.  The Enterprise was able to reinitialize the procedures to activate the temporal rift, and return them to their normal time.


This information has not been added to the Borg database files yet.
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