A E R O P L E X - C O M P U P L E X - P R O T E C T O P L E X

Combination of Metroplex and any set of Multibot/Gestalt.

When Metroplex is in need of assistance from any of the multibot Autobots (the Aerialbots, Technobots, and Protectobots), he can engage his systems to theirs by using his merge program, which is controlled by Teletran II. This program in effect gives Teletran II controlling power over the merged system, thus giving the computer a super robot body to work with. The merge program works as follows:

Teletran II decides which multibot mini units are the strongest and which are the weakest (this is of the multibot units that make up the arms and legs of the super robots SUPERION, COMPUTRON, and DEFENSOR).

Teletran II then removes the knee covers on Metroplex' legs. This is done by Teletran II detonating the explosive bolts that hold them there. Once removed, a merge port is exposed. The other merge ports are on Metroplex' shoulders, and are not covered. The multibot leaders merge with Metroplex by entering an opening created by Metroplex opening his head unit from shoulder to shoulder.

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A E R I A L B O T S - A E R O P L E X

Teletran II has the strongest Aerialbots merge at the knee ports. This is for the lifting capabilities of these Aerialbots. The next two merge with the shoulder units. The leader of the Aerialbots drops tail first into the hole created by Metroplex' head unit. Once merged, Aeroplex takes off as soon as possible. This is because his fighting abilities are best in the air.

C O M P U T R O N - C O M P U P L E X

Teletran II has the smartest of the Technobots merge with his knees. The strongest merge with the shoulders so he can have the strongest upper section he can get. The leader must open his cannon section, then go in nose first into the hole created by Metroplex' head unit. Teletran II can merge the easiest with the memory system of Compuplex than he can with any of the other multibot combinations.

D E F E N S O R - P R O T E C T O P L E X

The merging of the Protectobots to Metroplex is the most drastic to the overall layout of the Autobot city. Teletran II will only merge the two systems only in time of major disasters. This is because when the two merge, Metroplex becomes a super hospital. Scamper, the minicar that inhabits Metroplex transforms into a life care officer. Six Shot becomes the defence officer, in charge of protecting the city/hospital. This can be quite a task, since Protectoplex can not transform into robot mode when there are people inside him (Protectoplex is the only Multiplex system that has two transformations. The others only have the one form).

In merging the Protectobots to Metroplex, Teletran II places the emergency vehicles (Fire Engine Hot Spot and Ambulance First Aid) near exits. In robot mode, wheeled vehicles (First Aid and Police Car Streetwise) go on the knees, with the other minibots on the shoulders. The Protectobot leader merges with Metroplex by transforming into robot mode, entering the hole created by Metroplex' head feet first, and connects his ladder to the power system. Protectoplex is the only Multiplex system that can release a multibot unit and still keep his Multiplex powers.

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In any of the Multiplex modes, Teletran II has a vast array of weapons at his disposal. In merging the multibots to Metroplex, Teletran II can use any of the weapons the two systems carry. The power of these weapons are increased by seven times (the five multibots, Metroplex and Teletran II). The most effective weapon at his disposal in all Multiplex modes is the merge program that he stores. Not only can it merge the multibots to Metroplex, it can also merge the weapon systems together to come up with another weapon all together. The usefulness of this capability is great, but can have its drawbacks. Some merges can be found to be incompatible with themselves, and sometimes malfunctions occur. This is rare, but sometimes Teletran II can get a little over zealous.



�1987-88 The Denivan//WBSI Inc.
�1998 Denivan Media Services