Billy Fanword

Billy Fanword

Appears in: The Man Who Bites His Tongue


Billy Fanword was an active member of the AD. Police. He was into boxing and had a live-in girlfriend, Jeena Malso. He was skilled at his work and enjoyed life as it came to him. However, on one mission he was grabbed by a Boomer and faced with the possibility of death. His life signs disappeared for a short while... and when he next opened his eyes, he was a cyborg.

Doctor Takagi had transformed Billy into a walking, talking, thinking, feeling tank. He could combat nearly any Boomer type and win easily. But Billy was maddened by his position. The only flesh left on him was his tongue, which he bit regularly to get the sensation of pain in that muscle, the one and only place he could feel anything in. Without feeling or free thought, Billy was slipping away. His abilities waned. To keep him stimulated, Doctor Takagi performed sexual acts on and near him, including using Billy's unmoving body to masturbate. Her attempts failed but she was unaware of this--Billy was using drugs that were 'helping' him.

For a short time Billy was more effective than ever. But the drugs were destroying his mind and he was unable to think properly. He went completely mad thinking back to his life and how he now lived, or did not live, to put it another way. He killed Doctor Takagi and went on a rampage through the AD. Police station, killing officers as he passed through. Finally he came to Jeena and asked that she kill him. He begged that she shoot his tongue so that he could feel the last stresses that his body would ever meet. Jeena was forced to destroy him then and there.


Billy Fanword was mentally ill by the time he was first shown. He was the AD. Police's only cyborg, though he was called a 'unit.' He was also nothing more than an experiment that Doctor Takagi would have been glad to be rid of had she not needed him to prove what a genius she was in the field of cybernetics. Billy was given very littlle time to develop as a person, but it was obvious that he was enraged and unable to control himself after he passed a certain point.

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