Professor Takagi

Professor Takagi

Appears in: The Man Who Bites His Tongue


In the year 2027 Doctor Takagi was one of the leading cyberneticists. Cybernetics deals with bringing flesh and mechanical parts together to create a thinking, feeling creature that was part human, part machine, commonly known as a cyborg. In Mega Tokyo, someone like this was referred to as a Boomeroid if more than seventy percent of him or herself was mechanical. Due to experimentation like Doctor Takagi's, a law was put into effect that anyone more than seventy percent mechanical was to be eliminated by the AD. Police if that individual went out of control the way that Caroline Evers did.

Doctor Takagi herself was not working against the law so much as she worked with it. She constructed cyborgs that were combat ready and able. Her most renowned creation was when she took Billy Fanword, a mangled and nearly dead AD. Police officer, and turned him into the ultimate killing machine of the day. She armed Billy with guns and power that no other mecha could match. In effect, Doctor Takagi was able to give birth to a revolutionary new wave of scientific know-how. Billy was one of the AD. Police's most useful tools.

Instead of taking that alone as renown enough for her work, Doctor Takagi strived to gain worldwide acknowledgement. When Billy's performance began to falter and her career was looking shaky (in her eyes) she chose to stimulate Billy to keep his mind working properly. He turned into something of a fetish for her. Doctor Takagi would undress and practice sexual acts with the nearly unmoving Billy in an attempt to let his mind and body feel normal sensations and stresses that humans went through. This was not enough for Billy, though, and he began to pump himself full of drugs without the Doctor's knowledge. When Billy went insane, his first victim was none other than Doctor Takagi.


The Doctor was an attractive woman in her mid- to late twenties. She was one of the most intelligent people of the day, a very skilled cyberneticist who could turn normal men into walking tanks. But she was greedy and egotistical and wanted fame, not justice. She risked Billy's life and brought his second death about. She never showed any remorse for what she did. In fact, she proclaimed quite proudly that once she was recognized for her research, she couldn't care less if Billy died in combat. She was unable to see her day of recognition come before Billy slammed her head into a cement wall and ended her life.

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