Defense Minister Callahan

Defense Minister Callahan

Appears in: Red Eyes


Defense Minister Callahan was in charge of keeping GENOM's secrets just that: Secret. He did very well at this for quite some time, in fact well over twenty years. Then Largo appeared and had Anri infiltrate GENOM under the name Millie Jackson. Anri found Callahan's schedule for one week and gave it to Largo who kidnapped Callahan and threatened GENOM with forcing information from Callahan if he was not let into GENOM to see the Chairman when he arrived. Largo, Anri, and Callahan arrived after Kate Madigan attempted an attack on the car Callahan was in, showing that to GENOM, Callahan was expendable. When Callahan got to GENOM he ran up the steps of the building and begged Madigan for mercy due to his recklessness, but it was too late. Madigan shot him between the eyes, much to Largo's personal amusement.


Callahan had about two lines in the episode. He was a rough sounding man but tried to convince Largo that Largo was a fool, not a wise idea. Callahan then changed his style and desperately tried to get Madigan to let him live, claiming he let Largo know none of the company's secrets. Callahan was not a particularly memorable character, nor was he all that important. He never developed beyond being a hostage of Largo's.

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