Kate Madigan

Kate Madigan

Appears in: Red Eyes


Kate Madigan had been working for GENOM for quite some time, the only woman in a position of high power. She was directly under none other than Brian J. Mason, her corporate rival. When his obsession with Sylia Stingray cost him his life, the one to take his place was Madigan. For years she had been working for that chance, and when it came, she grasped for it openly.

While relatively young, Madigan was also wise and intelligent, a very business-like woman who had no qualms about doing whatever was necessary to cover up GENOM's legal troubles and scandals. 'Whatever was necessary' included cold-blooded murder. Not unlike Mason, she was dedicted hair and soul to GENOM. Unlike Mason, it was in more than just appearances.

After Madigan moved into Chairman Quincy's favor she took the place of Brian J. Mason as Quincy's Special Assitant, or Secretary. Her job relied on her being able to maneuver GENOM out of the many problems it faced if the worldwide governments were to learn what was really happening there and then question GENOM as a power. In essence, Madigan was easily one of the two most important single figures at GENOM Enterprises. In 2033, her loyalty to the company and its causes was put to the test when Largo appeared, demanding the OMS. Madigan's surprise that Largo knew about such a secret thing as the OverMind Control System was apparent. More so was that Largo himself was a little surprised to see that a woman had taken the place of Brian J. Mason.

Because Largo had captured Defense Minister Callahan Madigan had no choice but to let him enter GENOM. However, to end the problems with Callahan telling Largo any more than he may have already said, Madigan quieted him with a bullet between the eyes. With Callahan dead, the two, along with Anri and several bodyguard/security Boomers, went to the Chairman's office where Largo proceeded to insult Quincy quite openly. Madigan objected to Largo's behavior but was told to be quiet by the Chairman, who offered Largo a job. Madigan was startled yet again by this. That the Chairman would allow someone so powerful into his office was strange enough, but that he was suddenly offering to let Largo work at GENOM in a top position was entirely out of character for him. Madigan learned the hard way that the Chairman's 'character' was not predictable, though--after she commanded the Boomers to attack Largo when he began to blow up GENOM Towers across the world, she watched in horror as the Chairman was revealed to be a Boomer stand-in and nothing more. The man she may have given her life for set her up for an assault like that..?

Presumably Madigan died during the battle with Largo, but it was never proven and there is no conclusive evidence. Her final scene indicates that she passed out rather than got killed. One never can tell.


Madigan is one of the first secondary characters to show more personality than a turnip while still (theoretically) being sacrificial. She had Mason's sense of duty, only in her case it was more sincere. She was a genius in business tactics and stopped at nothing to get what the company desired. Madigan was effectively the perfect employee. Everything she did, had, and lived for was connected with GENOM. She was also the only female in a position above general research and development in all of GENOM. Madigan's abilities were not lost on the Chairman, whether or not he appreciated them for all they were worth. In the end, though it seems that Madigan died, she could still be alive and well, working to fix the troubles that came with the mysterious Largo.

In a sense Madigan is like Sylia Stingray. She is single-minded and a realist to the end. She will not make rash decisions, but she will make severe decisions if need be. The major difference between Sylia and Kate Madigan is that whilst Madigan perfected her business know-how and strived to make GENOM all powerful, Sylia perfected all her knowledge and strived to destroy GENOM. The two make for a very interesting parallel.

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