

Appears in: Moonlight Rambler


Kaufman was a young GENOM executive who was climbing the executive ladder. He was in charge of the Genaros Moonbase Supply Station and did a superb job of upkeeping the records and reporting in regularly. He took care of matters swiftly and efficiently. There was another side to him, though. He had a fetish that involved a harem of beautiful young women, or to be exact, BU-33S (Sexaroids). His favorite was Sylvie, a very attractive, almost cat-like Sexaroid. Kaufman was in heaven for a short period of time. Then Largo appeared.

After Largo told the Sexaroids about a concept called 'freedom,' the five tried to escape. Meg, Lou, and Nam were killed when they sacrificed themselves for Sylvie and Anri, but Sylvie and Anri survived and escaped to Earth in the Orca IV shuttle. This posed a particular problem for Kaufman: Not only were people soon going to figure out that he had a harem, but the D.D. Battlemover was in the shuttle that Sylvie and Anri had stolen. The D.D. was being produced by Flint, one of Kaufman's superiors, and Kaufman was stowing it away on Genaros until he could ship it to the Communists without being caught. Now that it was gone, he had to try and cover his mistakes.

In desperation, Kaufman hired Sylia Stingray through Fargo, Sylia's go-between. Kaufman sent Sylia as many details on the job as he could, including a plea for Sylia to capture his 'girlfriend,' namely Sylvie, and return her. Sylvie had been committing a rash of vampire-like murders and was using the D.D. to capture her victims. If anyone found out, Kaufman knew there would be hell to pay.

Daley Wong went to Genaros to question Kaufman about the crash-landed Orca IV. Kaufman gave in and told Daley about the D.D. and the Sexaroids. Kaufman was arrested but soon turned loose. GENOM was not as forgiving as the police, though, and from that point on Kaufman was forced to run for his life.


Kaufman appears only once in the entire episode, and it is for about two seconds while he assures Flint that he will not let the police find out the truth, nor will he leak to the Tower. Kaufman's speaking part is only as long as his appearance so he is given very little time to develop. When he is shown, he is sweating nervously and bowing his head low, a sure sign that he does not keep his cool very well. Judging from his 'hobby,' one can guess that Kaufman was a egotistical pig who enjoyed the good life until things went bad, and then cowered in the corner and waited for someont to clean up his mess.

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