Linna Yamazaki

Linna Yamazaki in a swimsuitAppears in: Bubblegum Crisis, Bubblegum Crash! (all)


Linna Yamazaki was born during October of the year 2012. From her early childhood Linna maintained a single, greatest love, and that was dance. She enjoyed the music, the movement, and the feeling of performing and knew that she wanted to be an entertainer, and the best to be found. However, that was not to be.

When Linna was thirteen the Second Great Kanto Earthquake flattered Tokyo, leaving her family homeless. Her parents survived so she was not yet alone. The three of them moved on with their lives. Linna, an optimist by nature, took the events in stride and did not them any of them stop her from pursuing a career as a dancer. She practiced varying dance styles and martial arts, becoming more limber and agile all the time. Her dreams could have come true in only a short time. But the Boomers that were rebuilding Tokyo into MegaTokyo sometimes went mad and would go on rampages. During one of those rampages, Linna's parents were caught in the middle and killed by the Boomer. Linna was deeply saddened but even then she did not become a self-pitying wreck. She continued with her life and her dreams.

When Linna was seventeen she won the title of Tahoto All Raisin Princess at a pageant. This opened up doors for her and she began practicing for upscale dance troupes. When she was nineteen one of those troupes passed through MegaTokyo and held in audition. She went and performed, hoping to achieve what she had waited for all her life, but the presence of Sylia Stingray shattered her hopes forever. Sylia noticed how flexible Linna was and knew that Linna would be the perfect choice as the close combat specialist for the Knight Sabers. She fixed the audition and Linna, who would have made it, failed. Sylia offered her a job as the close combat specialist and Linna accepted readily.

Linna [in Hardsuit] over the SuperBoomerPersonality

Linna is the most open of the Knight Sabers. She is very social and goes through men more quickly than the other three could even imagine. She can come off as a backstabber, changing her tone as soon as whomever she is talking about appears on the scene, but in that respect Linna is perfectly normal. She also likes to make fun of people who don't live up to her strict standards for what is acceptable in a person and what is not, particularly when those standards concern careers and someone's physical shape. In fact, Linna's reputation is one of a normal young woman who does the same things that most women would do... if it weren't for the fact that she is in the Knight Sabers.

Linna is kind and giving. She befriends those whom she feels need a friend, such as Irene Chang from Phoebe's Aerobics Center. Linna took Irene around Chinatown and attended her bachelorette party less because Irene was really her friend and more because she knew that Irene needed someone to be with her. When Irene's fiancee was killed after he learned too much about GENOM, and later Irene was murdered by one of Brian J. Mason's BU-33Cs, Linna went out to get revenge for Irene.

At times Linna acts as Priss Asagiri's logic and guide. Priss was ready to run out and take down Mason at least twice but both times Linna stopped her and reminded her of their duty as Knight Sabers and the agreements they had with Sylia about when they would and would not go out. Linna, like Sylia, was a realist. During episode six she made the comment that it did not matter whether or not the Knight Sabers were evil so long as people thought that they were. That comment along defined something about Linna that is hard to pin down but is certainly important to her character.

It is possible to accuse Linna of being fickle and shallow, and she may be those things, but who isn't? That is the beauty of a character like Linna: She is not obsessive, nor is she entirely passive. Linna does what she believes is right but only if she knows it can be done, unlike Priss who runs out to challenge someone at the slightest provocation. Linna makes an intriguing literary foil against the other three characters. She has some of Sylia's realism, some of Priss' rebellious tendencies, and some of Nene Romanova's naivete. Because of those things, Linna is one of BGC's most meaningful and realistic characters.

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