Lisa Vanette

Lisa Vanette

Appears in: Scoop Chase


Lisa Vanette was a high school girl with a dream. She dreamt that she would one day be able to become a world renowned reporter! Her father, already a well known figure in the world of photography and journalism, gave her a very prized and beloved camera that she cherished dearly. When Lisa went to stay with her uncle, Chief Toudou, she took along her camera in the hopes that she would make it big during winter break by capturing a worthy moment with the Knight Sabers. When she tried to snap a picture of Priss Asagiri with her face exposed, the tables turned and Priss stomped Lisa's camera to destroy the film and basically perturb young Lisa. Lisa's parting call was, "You owe me a camera, you jerk!"

All should have been well, but because Chief Toudou so loved his niece, he decided to let her go around Mega Tokyo with one of his officers. He did not want her to be in the line fire so he chose an officer that did considerably little 'real' police work. That (un)lucky officer was Nene Romanova. Nene did not mind being saddled with watching Lisa much at all until Lisa announced that she was going to expose the truth behing the Knight Sabers. Not long afterward she got the chance to do that when Nene's Hardsuit helmet was broken during a Boomer fight she was hardly involved it (or shall we say, 'a Boomer fight she was avoiding?'). Nene had a slightly grainy but good enough image of Nene's face in the purple and pink Hardsuit.

Set on getting the details, Lisa began following Nene around Mega Tokyo. She followed Nene on her day off and ended up wasting much of her time. Later in the day her work paid off and she came across Raven's Garage where the Knight Sabers' secret training facilities were located. She looked around without any success, but it was enough to worry Nene. Sylia Stingray met Lisa 'accidentally' and had a talk with her about the meaning of the Knight Sabers and the balance between GENOM, the Knight Sabers, and ultimately the world. This nagged on Lisa a bit, but her mind was truly against proving Nene to be a Knight Saber when Nene saved her life. The AD. Police HQ had been taken over by Boomers and Nene and the Knight Sabers defended the building, saving a handful of officers and Lisa. In the end, Lisa realized that the Knight Sabers served a purpose and gave her one and only copy of the image of Nene to Nene.


Lisa was spunky, for lack of a better term. She wanted information and she wanted it now. Although only eighteen years of age, Lisa was smart and resourceful. She managed to capture several images of the Knight Sabers that no one had been able to get before.

On the other hand, Lisa was a little... annoying. It was the sort of annoying that goes hand in hand with being obsessed over something petty like a trashed camera and then going out for revenge on someone who was not even responsible for the destruction of a material good. Lisa was also terribly immature for a girl her age.

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