General Schwarz

Commander Schwarz
Appears in: Tinsel City


General Schwarz was an older gentleman who had spent most of his life in the U.S.S.D. His position allowed him to make decisions that could start or end wars. He was a powerful man, but he was also prone toward lying and covering up scandals that occurred because he tried to excellerate research and development. He was one of the few individuals who knew about the orbital particle beam satellite weapons abovehead. This project was so secret that when Sylia Stingray showed that she had an extensive knowledge of the satellites and their mechanics, the Commander found this to be rather unsettling. If Sylia knew that, how much more did she know...?

General Schwarz was forced to hire the Knight Sabers when Cynthia, a 'Killer Doll,' was stolen from him. She had the ability to link with the satellites and fire them at all. F.G. Frederick, a GENOM fusion-capable Boomer, had infiltrated the U.S.S.D. and stolen Cynthia, who was not even aware that she was a Boomer at the time. Though originally he had been working with Quincy, General Schwarz was suddenly faced with the scandal of a lifetime because he had not been careful about when dealing with the more powerful organization in existance. Therefore, he hired the Knight Sabers to recover Cynthia and Frederick. Sylia and Nene went to talk this over with him only to have this almost end with the Knight Sabers taking the job because the General had a hiddren room full of scientists viewing Sylia's Hardsuit. After apologizing profusely, the General and his assistant got Sylia to accept the offer.

That was not the end of him, however. When Cynthia blew herself and Aqua City up, General Schwarz had to make a public announcement claiming that he would look into the circumstances. All this had taken place because he had been too prudish to give Sylia all the details on the job. He had to rely on her a second time to clean up his mess, loose ends and all. At that point Sylia no longer trusted him but, because of the amount of money he was offering her, she took the job. This time it was to recover the "Black Box," which GENOM had taken after the Aqua City explosion. Before things got any more out of hand, the Black Box, which had the instructions and codes to link to the satellites (it was from Cynthia's AI) had to be returned to the U.S.S.D. This, too, did not turn out quite right. Brian J. Mason had faked the Black Box's end when his SuperBoomer was destroyed by the Knight Sabers. After yet another costly explosion and scandal, General Schward was forced to resign from his post at the U.S.S.D. His current whereabouts are unknown.


General Schwarz was a highly intelligent but all too secretive man whose lies brought about his downfall. When he failed to relay all of the details of the job to Sylia, including that Cynthia was not just a little girl but in fact was a Killer Doll, he lost his chance to cover up his mistakes. He was too bent on stopping the world from learning about what he was doing behind closed doors. Cynthia had the ability to blow up the entire planet given time. Had the Knight Sabers been warned about this, Aqua City and Cynthia both could have been saved. As it were, the General was at fault for all the events that led to his fall from grace.

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