You have chosen Half-Elf.
There is much debate as to wether or not Half-Elves exist on Mystara. My stance is that they are extremely rare (except among the Belcadiz where they are only uncommon and among the Shadow & Grakhalian elves where they are non-existant) but A player is free to choose half-elf despite this rarity. If you choose Half-Elf your Human and Elven sublineages will be chosen for you or, if you wish, you can choose one of them.
Known elf races: Belcadiz, Erewan, Alfheim, Calarii, Vyalia, Meditor, Ganduil (sp?, aka Wendarian), Shiye, and Sheyallia (sp?), or one of the miscellaneous elves from either Davania or the Savage Coast. I think thats all of them.
Known Human races: There is a race to represent almost every RW culture plus some that have no RW equivalent. From ancient Greece, to Rome, to Arabs, to Nazis, to Norse, to Africans, to Portugese, to Chinese, to Scottish, to Eastern Europeans, to Lapps, to Sioux, to Hindus, to Japanese, and many inbetween. let me know what your looking for and I'll tell you if it exists on Mystara (The chances are good).