The Alliance consists of Reta Empire,Vortex Kingdom and Inter-galactic Alliance.Three forces that were once enemies forged this alliance to battle the powerful forces of Skull People.The Alliance members had powers over the planets under Alliance Protection,however the finances were were provide by The Interstellar Council. Due to this fact,the Alliance many times cannot provide the helpless planets that were under attack.Though they possessed the powers to help,without the Council's support of money needed to pay the people,they were unable to launch any help.....
However,this thing ended,when the ruler of Andor, Great Jade King , Zicang , appears.He offers The Alliance finance supports ,so after six hundred years,three forces gain full control the Alliance .With this, they set about giving each major force something to control,to ensure no one is stronger than the other.
Viprus,ruler of the Reta Empire,finance management,since Viprus's people are money makers , managing the Alliance's finances suit him ,and his Empire.Vortex Kingdom,Ruler,5th Vortex King,Terrence Mckine,took the control of hiring forces and managing the foods.Terrence Mckine was indeed suitable,he was man that understand the importance of getting good help.However whether this help get to be part of Alliance military forces, rely on the Inter-galactic Alliance.The Inter-galactic Alliance members are of many different planets, and they know what sort forces can be joined together to part of the Inter-galactic Defense Force, which was the official name of Military Forces of The Alliance.This name both Terrence and Viprus hated,because it seem to symbolize that Inter-galactic Alliance is real master.But they also knew the Inter-galactic Alliance Leader,President James Lee Jones,didn't meant to named it so , he forced to do so under the pressure of his generals .
The powerful Alliance continued to strengthen , in great Science-Magic War , they join the Science Supporters against the evil forces of Argen Wizards...........................
< <<THE END>>>