Welcome to my home on the web.Note: the above links take you into my JavaScript-enhanced, text-based version of my homepage. If your browser can't handle that, or you have an unusually fast connection, you may want to use one of the others. So take your choice of the three main pages I've made:
Quick text-based navigation
with JavaScriptMany static pictures,
no JavaScriptFancy interactive images
using JavaScript
Attention: if you came here because of the mention in "Bjorn Bored," LET ME KNOW.
I'm curious to see the response from there, so please email me.
I've got lots of information about anime, the sciences, science fiction, some humor pages, a bunch of scanned articles, etc.
There's so much stuff inside, you're bound to find something that interests you. Have fun, and check out the site. If you like it, sign my guestbook, which is linked from the main pages.
As a service to my street, here's a list of all of the pages on Tolkien Way which aren't "Just Moving In" or unreadable. (At least, those that are visible when "Brosing Tolkien Way.")
- 0 Tolkien Way
- nimloth: Nimloth's exercise pen: a few comments about dogs, and one link to a more functional page
- 73 Tolkien Way
- nr42: A poem with pics, in some language I don't recognize...
- 84 Tolkien Way
- Kula_Dhad: The Knights of Darkness Clan... though what that means I'm not sure...
- 85 Tolkien Way
- Commander Edwin: A page in German
- 111 Tolkien Way
- akire: Star Trek: Voyager stuff, including image archive.
- 120 Tolkien Way
- kylearyn: Kylearan's Dragon Resource Center: animated gifs, etc.
- 176 Tolkien Way
- juillet: Spanish and English site, of a few original stories
- 180 Tolkien Way
- cafosa: Spanish-only English site
- 257 Tolkien Way
- BGaribaldi: site with password access...
- 272 Tolkien Way
- hp11: The Radio and TV transmitter site, by Dennis from the Netherlands
- 278 Tolkien Way
- saudiman: an overly-shockwaved site; I didn't wait the couple minute download time...
- 294 Tolkien Way
- nedd: Some poetry, with a midi playing in the background
- 321 Tolkien Way
- 8minus1: A Star Trek: Voyager page
- 330 Tolkien Way
- BlazingKnight: Starbase 721: Java-enhanced, highly graphics-intensive, stuff all about Star Trek. Annoyingly slow even with an ADSL connection, but at least it's content-rich.
- 350 Tolkien Way
- yalpkilk: Joshland, with a couple of JavaScripts, and just a bit of other stuff.
- 390 Tolkien Way
- This page!
- 412 Tolkien Way
- lete1: A Spanish language site
- 413 Tolkien Way
- only a link to a GeoCities site, about antigravity, and other pesudoscience.
- 419 Tolkien Way
- LeprechaunIII: Little there now, but coming up: Friends, Mountain Dew, Wheel of Time, plenty of other weirdness.
- 429 Tolkien Way
- yannmaa: Japanese-only pages
- 450 Tolkien Way
- gww1966: Stuff about those weird sets of carbon atoms, Fullerenes.
- 477 Tolkien Way
- JadeWarrior: "Forest Abode of the Jade Warrior": a mix of stuff, including role-playing.
Possibly getting better soon?
- 151 Tolkien Way
- hercules26: Star Trek: Jeri Ryan's Website: "I'll be getting my site up very soon so please be patient."
- 400 Tolkien Way
- Astrakhan: one image (??)
- 452 Tolkien Way
- gurigirl: "*Just Bite Me*"... satirical stuff to come? (Also inactive for WAY too long)
- 457 Tolkien Way
- hifi4u: site had looked promising, but inactive for ages.
- 458 Tolkien Way
- GreyCouncil: just a few Babylon 5 things now, may improve. (But no changes in ages.)
- 499 Tolkien Way
- paultrimmer: a few links, but "This page will soon abound with flash images and the suchlike as soon as I can get my damned computer to work."
Last Updated: 6/21/00
My interests (or, at least those that were listed by FortuneCity):
- Cartoons/Comic Books
- Comedy
- Computers/Technology
- Fantasy/Role Playing
- Movies/TV
- Music: Rock and Pop
- Natural Sciences
- Politics
- Science Fiction
- Sports: American Football
- Sports: Basketball
- Sports: Golf
- Sports: Tennis
Email me on:
[email protected]