(Jerry) Thieu Long Le
296 Main Street #2E
Melrose, MA 02176
(781) 662-8825
E-mail: [email protected]
URL: http://www.fortunecity.com/tattooine/zenith/87/
Graduate School of Engineering, Norheastern University, Boston, MA
MS Electrical Engineering with concentration in Fields, Waves and Optics. 97-2001
Institute of Optics, University of Rochester, Rochester, NY
B.S.1996, Optical Engineering, minor: Physics and Astronomy, Deans List
Alumni Scholar
Special Skills
Lab: Operation of Zygo Mark IV Interferometer with MetroPro software,
Fizeau interferometer, Spectrometer, lasers and diodes, telescopes and CCDs, Photon's BeamScan, PMTs,
Electrical instruments (oscilloscope, etc..)
Computer: Extensive knowledge in IBM and Mac PCs, DOS, Windows and UNIX
Windows' applications such as Microsoft Windows 95, Office 97, Corel Draw, Excel,
Adobe PhotoShop and Illustrator.
Relevant programs: Mathematica, Math CAD, Access, Visio Technical, Daedisp, OSLO Pro.
Programming languages: Pascal, C, and Visual Basic.
Internet: Netscape, Electronic mail, File Transfer Protocol,
creating personal homepage using HTML.
Language: Fluent in Chinese (Cantonese).
AGFA Corporation, Wilmington, MA 9/96 - present
Optical Engineer: Design, align, calibrate, and test tools for production of imagesetters.
Laboratory for Laser Energetics (University of
Rochester), Rochester, NY
8/95 - 5/96
Optical Engineer: Designed and aligned interferometer to test
optics using a 1054 nm infrared laser; recorded data and analyzed data
with PV Wave software. Organized results in a presentable format using
Island Draw software.
Laboratory for Laser Energetics (University of
Rochester), Rochester, NY 6/94 -
Technical Assistant: Assisted with the completion of the Omega
Laser Fusion System; worked in a clean room environment along with the
Amplifier Group to cnostruct laser amplifiers, from assembling flashlamps to
installing laser amplifier units; took interferometric measurements of laser
disks and rods with the Zygo Mark IV Interferometer to confirm
specifications; data analysis with PV WAVE software.
Office Assistant, Semaphore, Inc.(Financial
Management Software), New York, NY 5/93 - 8/93
Office Assistant: Filing, entering data into Server, answering phone, Xerox
copying, copying diskettes, and working on a project to create mailing
Office Assistant, Kidder, Peabody & Co., Inc., Retirement Plan Department
, New York, NY 6/92 - 8/92
Office assistant: ran errands, made photo-copies, answered phone calls,
updated data on Mutual Funds, and retrieved old data from microfiche.
Special Interest Floor: International Living Center 1/93 - 5/94
Assisted with International Fiesta and organized events to introduce Chinese
culture to people on the floor and campus.
Sports: Tennis, Volleyball (Intramural Captain), Basketball, Ice skating
Others: Stamp and Rock collecting