"Phi Mu Alpha began with an invitation to a "get-acquainted" reception, extended by the "Old Boys" to the "New Boys" of Boston's New England Conservatory early in the fall term of 1898. A spontaneous discussion about forming a men's music club took place among some of the men who attended the reception and, there being considerable interest in the idea, a meeting was planned for the evening of October 6 to further explore the possibilities.
A similar desire for fellowship among musicians had earlier led Ossian E. Mills, then bursar of the Conservatory, to invite a group of male students to meet informally with him once a week. It is safe to suppose that some of these men were present at the gathering on October 6 and that through them, Mills influenced the adoption of high ideals of brotherhood by Phi Mu Alpha even before it's official beginnings.
The minutes of the first meeting on October 6, 1898 describe the appointment of a "committee on rules and regulations," which was to prepare a set of bylaws for the new organization. On October 25, the club's 13 active and one honorary member (Ossian Mills) accepted from a committee a governing document which has remained the Fraternity's philosophy of existence to the present day.
The club also accepted the suggestion of the newly-elected director of the conservatory (and the Fraternity's second honorary member), George W. Chadwick, that the group adopt the name of an organization of which he had been a member during his student days in Leipzig. SINFONIA was born."
~~ Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Themes for Brotherhood