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GOT MILF? - s/t 29 track CD


I like this (now defunct) US pop-punk band so decided that I would distro their CD in the UK for them. Unfortunately I have this much distro-ing experience: none. Therefore, in over a year I have sold precisely this many copies: one. I still think this is a decent little CD though, and well worth a fiver of anyone's money. Er, if the "anyone" in question likes bands like THE VINDICTIVES, SCREECHING WEASEL and THE NOBODYS. Which not many people seem to do these days. I dunno, I should've decided to distro some pussy emo band's CD instead... it woulda sold out in days. Anyway, look at these reviews and, if you're interested, check out the sounds and, if you're still interested, order one of their CDs and make my millennium. £5 post-paid.







will appear shortly

Click here to go to the band's website's sounds page


Scary Sheep #3
Scary Sheep #2
Scary Sheep #1

GOT MILF? - s/t