The Hot Blue Organism has been around for a long long time
In ancient Greece it used to stomp around battlefields eating everything it found
Through the ages it has been a creature of wonder and mystery, that is until it found Lardass
The whole of the Hot Blue Organism`s recent manifestation began in the lower eschelons of a lowly minion known as Lardass. This creature was once known in his home town by another name, but that name has passed both in and out of history, mainly because no-one can remember it.
So too with the name of Tankass a strange and similarly lowly creature which befriended Lardass.
But I digress........
Lardass was a happy monkey, stocking shelves in his local supermarket and eating pickled onions. He went to school then through college where he was kicked out, and from there his life changed.
The supermarket was Lardass`s life, until something odd walked through the door one day and straight into one of the pyramids of pickled onion jars that Lardass had so recently created. Lardass was absolutely distraught with the new visitor, not only had he destroyed the display, but they were pickled onions, enough said.
Needless to say that the manager was called and the odd thing was thrown out of the shop. Lardass so upset was also told to have the rest of the day off, so he went down to the local pub for a drink.
He was happily sloshed when something odd walked through the door, Lardass was about to give the creature a scaulding display of aeronautics when upon close inspection it seemed to be human.
Now Lardass was barely human himself, but finally he had found something that could match his own oddness. He instantly forgave the creature and bought him a drink, they became friends, the creature revealing itself as Tankass.
But what has this to do with the HBO I hear you cry...well I`ll tell you if you let me....
Friends they were and Lardass had even managed to get Tankass a job at the supermarket. So life moved on. Still I hear you cry though, THE HBO HBO HBO...well The HBO, was reborn in this find out how, read Rebirth but for now just be patient.
Music wasn`t much of a feature in either their lives, Tankass was obsessed with a thirty disc record set entitled...."The ring Cycle" which was a rock opera performed on motorcycles.
Lardass was upset constantly about the lack of decent subject matter, for instance, there was not a song about beatroot, or his favourite pickled onions. No songs about anything that truly mattered in his life. Then it hit him, since there is nothing out at the moment, why not write your own stuff.
He approached Tankass with this amazing strategy that he had worked out. Tankass was very very very much for it, as he saw his opus of the symphonic variations of the Motor Scooter as now heading for some sort of light. Lardass learned his very first musical lesson that day.
They slept on the idea and when they again awoke to the early afternoon the idea was still a very much good one, so they aproached the manager of the supermarket. He was in league with the devil and had access to all the various members of a local vampire cult. One of the members a Mr. Notforustwo was getting tired of his lot and was trying to branch out into different areas....
Lardass and Tankass approached him, he was interested, and thus the core of the band was formed....
Then they had to find more victims