First I want to say welcome to my home on the cyber space. This is my second homepage. The first one have many trouble such as broken links, broken image and many more. I never dream before that one day I will have my own homepage. Thanx for my friend Kevin Foong for introduce me how to set up my own homepage.

Theres nothing important in this section. If you don't have time, don't want read a long composition, you can skip this section.

I want to introduce you(visitor) about the sections in my homepage.

section 1- introduction
Just what you see on your vdu screen now!!

section 2- profile
A brief description and summary of my life. I really don't trust anybody on internet. There's a lot of stranger people here. It't not safe to mention too personal information here. So I don't put detail points about me there.

section 3- online noticeboard
This section is quite different from others. It will be update regularly. I will use this if I want to mention to visitor something important or something i have to.

Section 4- planning diary
Its not personal diary. I use this section to mention visitor what activities (not personal) that i'm going to do this month.

Section 5- friends
A list/directory of my friends/cyberfriends including their homepage URL and E-mail address.

section 5 - photo album
Collection of photo album. Its has a few album based on its photo content.

Section 6 - midi collection
A variety of great midi files that i download from web site and some of them contribute by friends and cyberfriends.

section 7 - video collection
under construction. cannot tell it yet

section 8 - personal chat room
my own chat room, Im normally not in. Theres no chatter there

section 9 - Guestbook
Please sign my guestbook. Give your comment, suggestion, critics etc

section 10- Ex mrsmkt
If you are Exmrsmkt students, visit this site.

Design a homepage is not easy. It takes time to be expert and professional.I am still beginner and don't have experience. So I hope you can apologize me for the mistakes in this homepage (spelling, grammar, broken links etc). I hope someone could give me advice how to enhance this homepage appearance. Hope you can send e-mail to me.

Credits/ Acknowledgement.
This homepage was succesfully set up not only from my own effort. I would like to thanks to this person who always give me valuable support to me to build this homepage.

Speacial thanks to

Cikgu Zura Bt Othman - my computer science subject teacher. She teach me a lot about computer and introduce me about computer.

Cikgu Azleena            - also my computer science subject teacher.

Cik Nik Rahimah Yaacob- My physics teacher who always give me advice

and anyone who help me to build this homepage. thanx a lot guys!!!

Okay that's all I want to say, hope you enjoy surfing my homepage. Have a nice day!!!!

-Faizul Islam Mohd Nordin  [email protected]
276/96  n2/ s40

| home | menu | introduction | profile | noticeboard | diary | hobby | friends | photo | midi | entertaintment square | chat | guestbook | Exmrsmkt HP | Links | E-mail |