Ted Mechanic's Deep Purple Pages

Nürnberg, Germany, August 22, 2001

The 2001 tourbook
  This was another very emotional and unforgettable event for me. I hope you can stand one more of these personal reviews....

The venue was the park of a radio station, the Bayerischer Rundfunk. Nice setup again, all kinds of food stands, Brezeln (of course, we're in Bavaria here...) and even sweets for the kids again (seems to be getting popular these days... well, most of us are in that age now to bring their kids to the gigs , so it's a very smart idea.) Speaking of bringing kids to the gigs, due to the lack of my own kids, I decided it was time to educate my nephew, Jan, and take him to his first DP gig. We spoke about that last year but I wasn't sure if the concerto was the best idea to start for a 14 year old. Well, we waited and now he's 15 and just started to be a drummer in his school band. So, what better can you do other than bring him to a DP gig to watch the master of drums ?

It happened to be that we ended up on the stage again (no details - again, protecting privacy) and I felt very happy for my nephew. He happened to be right in front of his idol and man, was he excited. He couldn't keep his eyes away from Paicey during the whole show, I'm not even sure if he noticed the rest of the band... At one time, Ian even made eye contact with him and asked: "was that okay?". Poor Jan was so shocked all he could do was nod. He's a bit on the shy side and he was too overwhelmed by all that anyway.

Well, we did notice the rest of the band though, and making it short, it was another fun gig. Rog was wild that night and it was another experience to have him come over to the booth (where we were standing) and chat with us during the gig.

The peformance was great again (does that even need to be mentioned anymore?) and obviously they had fun on stage too. Just, but that might be my personal impression, parts of the audience seemed to be a bit lame, even folks in the first rows weren't moving at all. The biggest interaction happened during Black Night (and we're talking the encore here!), when - whatever bits Steve played - the audience would sing it back. Steve seemed to say: "that's unbelievable" and he continued the game. Guess he could have done that for hours and still gotten a response. Anyway, I'm glad he stretched that one out a bit, but otherwise the audience wasn't anywhere close to the Bonn-bunch.

Being in that great spot, I was hoping to get dozens of great pictures for you, but there was some lady dancing in front of me *all the time*. Realizing that she was somewhat close to the band, (not a wife or girl-friend though - like I read on another review, trust me here!) I didn't want to say anything to her, but she didn't give a damn about my efforts to get some decent pics out of that, so it was either her head, arm, knee, bottom or whatnot part of her body in the way. Still, I managed to get some nice shots, so please enjoy:

Nürnberg, Aug. 22, 2001
Nürnberg, Aug. 22, 2001


Nürnberg, Aug. 22, 2001 "The one-handed roll"
Nürnberg, Aug. 22, 2001


Nürnberg, Aug. 22, 2001
Nürnberg, Aug. 22, 2001
Nürnberg, Aug. 22, 2001
  My bottom line about this gig:

Another blast, another unforgetable show. And I'm not saying that only for personal reasons. But, who'd ever think you can get on the stage *twice* with the band? Once is more than one can ever dream of. I was very happy for my nephew having this privilege though. (Which doesn't mean I wasn't happy for myself as well....) A thousand thanks again to the one who made that happen. You made Jan the happiest camper that day, although he couldn't express his feelings, but you should have seen him all night long and the next day. You made another lifetime fan here. Also I want to thank the whole band for treating him so great after show, talking to him and giving him autographs, a special thanks to Paicey, his idol, for the sticks thing. He took them to bed... And also for the pick, Rog. Thank you so much. BTW, that mug looked familiar, Ian... are you still carrying that around, since Dortmund or am I hallucinating? If it is, I feel very honored.

Since this was my last gig on this tour (so far.... , but, you never know...), I have to resume the whole impression of this "Ted's tour":

It was a wonderful experience to travel that tour leg, maybe even the best time of my life.

Not at least due to all the nice side-experiences I had (nevermind that birthday thing). Meeting and learning about other fans, chatting and drinking with them, hosting some of them, sharing their problems, all that. Also meeting new crew members, fixing old prejudices by getting to know people better, all that was very interesting and enjoyable. Not to forget the unbelievable treatment we received from the band. More than one could ever ask for. That alone makes you forget about all the expenses for train tickets, gas bills, hotel rooms, taxis, the traveling stress, lack of sleep, tired legs, hang-overs and what not. "So what", I say to my wife, if she starts complaining, "they're ten times worth it", and in the meantime, she agrees with me... she's finally infected by the DP-virus as well.

I have to express my respect to Ian Gillan. I've never seen him in such great shape for so many gigs in a row before. I don't know the reasons for that, but he surprised and impressed me with his performance and shape and I'm very happy for him.

Also, I want to thank Don again for helping out (or will it maybe be more than that, some day....?), anyway, he did a fabulous job.

I always have an open ear to what the public opinion out there is about the band and this time it was outstanding that many complained about the lack of new songs at the shows. Like I said before, I don't discuss their setlists, neither with the band, nor with the fans. I like 95% of their songs so whatever they decide to play makes me happy. I even got a personal dream fulfilled, namely hearing Mary Long live. So why argue? They have sooo many songs from which to choose (BTW: if you think you know them all, check out my little quiz), so they will never be able to please everybody.

But I have to admit, there is a point in what the majority of fans says: DP didn't want to end up as another dinosaur band playing their old stuff over and over again, but I think, in the case of this year's tour it's different. They had Don jumping in the cold water, with only three days of rehearsals, so I think they were limited in their choice of what to play, just for that very reason. I assume he already knew most of the old stuff (although I am aware of the "fools thing", Don ) and I think, but that's only my personal opinion, that it might have been too difficult to rehearse things like "Rosa's cantina" or "Hey Cisco" in that short amount of time.

Either way, I am very happy that people say that. I'm glad that they ask for the newer stuff. You hear this too often: "Deep Purple? Isn't that the guys with Smoke on the water?" "Oh Gosh", I always think, "they're about WAY more than that". So, I am very happy that people here don't limit them to the old stuff, but also realize what they've done recently. There is an interest for that, at least over here in Germany and people don't see a dinosaur band in them. So guys, please realize, people over here accept and care for your newer stuff as well. Maybe you don't know that yet....

To me it doesn't matter anymore what they play, as long as they play it the way they do. I just love their music and the way they perform it. That's all that counts.

For all these great experiences on that tour I owe lots of people *a* pint and, although there was no chance after the Nürnberg gig, I insist, so be sure we'll have it on the next tour or maybe even earlier.

God bless you all, Axel ("Ted").

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© 2001 by Axel Dauer