Ted Mechanic's Deep Purple Pages

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 Reviews of the 2000 Under A Violet Moon Tour. Of course with images!

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Well, if you came here via my Rainbow page, you already know about my "not-wanting-to-compete-problem" with Rainer and his page.  I think his page is way better than anything I could ever do. He has TONS of pictures there, it's amazinng. You should also consider joining his fan club. It's ten times worth it ! So, again I threw out all the prepared stuff and I'm trying to set up something different to Rainer's page.

So, for now,  it's again my personal view that you'll get to hear here.....


Ritchie has always been a fan of the medieval days, that's common knowledge. First musical influences of that could be heard on his first LP with Rainbow (which he, by the way, started recording while he was still in Deep Purple). So, he was always attracted to the music of those days and it had some influence on his work but he never wanted to play it authentically. He found the perfect soulmate for his love for the medieval in Candice. They used to play that kind of music at home and at private parties until some friend encouraged them to give it to a wider audience. So they decided to record the album Blackmore's Night which Ritchie nowadays calls the fulfillment of his musical being. He says: "I'm so pleased with the album's outcome. I'm proud of the whole product - not just my playing or a few solos. It feels like I've been involved with something that is sacred. I'm very lucky to have done this."


Shadows Of The Moon CD cover, autographed by the whole 1997 tour band.


Of course, being the Ritchie-head that I am, I saw them on tour whenever possible. And I must say I really, really liked what I saw. I have always liked the medival influence during his Rainbow days and I was thrilled when they played "Temple Of The King", one of my all time faves. I read some stupid reviews about that tour where people expressed their disappointment about the lack of Hard Rock elements.... How dumb is that? Didn't they listen to the new album before they went to the concerts? If you had listened to the album first, you would have known what to expect there. And if you don't like that new music of Ritchie's, leave your butt on the sofa, but don't go to the concerts and whine afterwards that he didn't smash Strats.

Nevertheless, on some of the gigs he unpacked his white Strat and let it rock. But I think it was more for his own satisfaction than for those fans who came to see the "old" Ritchie. I personally think he just needed that to release the energy in himself after two hours of concentrated quiet playing.

But still, I think that people who don't accept that new music and want to see the hard-rock-Ritchie are in the wrong place at Blackmore's Night concerts.

See Ritchie and Candice at their home Let me also talk about my personal experiences with Blackmore's Night. I'm in the wonderful position to be able to say that I met them and spent some memorable time with them. (I've been waiting to meet the MIB for more than twenty years and finally it came true). The bottom line about this is that I was absolutely surprised how NICE these people were! Not a bit snobbish, very personable, friendly and down-to-earth. That counts for Ritchie and Candice as well as for Carole Stevens, who is a very friendly and warm hearted person. Mick Cervino was a pure pleasure to talk to and also Joseph James, whom I met earlier on the 1997 tour, was very nice. He isn't in the band anymore (the reasons don't belong on this page). Candice is absolutely charming, she has charisma and is also very natural, on stage as well as in private life. A wonderful person - although she drinks "kamikaze" brrrr...  

Well Folks, there will be more on this page soon, I'm working on it. In the meantime we're all waiting for the new album which will be released in Japan late April and in Europe probably in May.


So let's see what we have already....  ( please click on the buttons )
    With lots of nice pictures
See Ritchie and Candice at their home
Promo Adds
Tour Flyers
Blackmore's Night Bootlegs (just information, not available from me. Don't ask !!)
Ritchie's Guitar, the Blackmore's Night Lighter and much more
More Pictures

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