Ted Mechanic's Deep Purple Pages

Ted's     Corner


This site is dedicated to all the fans of Ritchie Blackmore and Rainbow.

    This is the poorest of my sites so far. Let me tell you why that is: when I got hooked to the net I had NO IDEA how many other people already had the same idea of creating pages about Ritchie and Rainbow. There are so many good ones out there holding all the discographies, covers, lyrics, whatnot and there's no point in just repeating those. Plus one day I found out about Rainer of the official Ritchie Blackmore Fanclub in Germany and I had to learn that he has a very cool page which contains almost everything that I had planned for my page. Well, since I don't want to compete with him, I erased all the stuff that I had already prepared and now I'm trying to put something different together, more personal and maybe unique.

In particular I am planning a disc list, concentrating on rare records and bootlegs, some rare interviews and images, hopefully stuff you won't find elsewhere.

I can "un-proudly" say by now that, at least, parts of the bootleg section are available at

So are some tour flyers and interviews. I'm also working on information about the different line-ups, as far as I can recall them. Please choose from the (little) list below and show some patience with me..... More will be coming up soon. If you are looking for guitar tabs or MP3's, I recommend you go to Rainer's page. The first I don't have and latter I don't want to deal with....


To Ted's Blackmore's Night Corner

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