tribute to chicken pigeon
Ya know... recently I have had a very real... and very quite disturbing realization.
People suck. Im not just saying that... because im a trendy little kid who wants people to
think i dont suck. in fact i know i suck. but you see today i was hanging out ...just kicking
it at a friends house... when my friend notices this pigeon... just hanging out....outside the
front door. we had also noticed this pigeon... wasnt just a pigeon. this pigeon looked
like a cross between a pigeon and a chicken. this was a very eccentric and not to mention
exiting thing to happen... given the vastness of our intellectual humor. so naturally we go
observe this unique being. as we were walking out we happened to notice it didnt move.
so naturally we try to scare it away... but it just sat there. so we eventually came to the
conclusion that it was either blind or just had really big balls.
so a few minutes time passed and were just hanging out on my friends porch... when
we notice that chicken pigeon was on the move. although the traffic didnt seem to
notice... the poor bird headed toward the street. as i dashed to save the mighty chicken
pigeon i notice he almost gets hit... and gets blown back. I figure it was close... but not
over... chicken pigeon was determined to cross. so finally i get to the street and yell
to the oncoming car to stop... but it was to late. the car kept going and didnt even look back.
i know its... not much... your probably saying... but it was the only pigeon
i had ever seen like that..... and this world destroyed it. and whats even worse is that it was
an old couple. which shows me the roots of destruction and hatred go even farther back than
anyone realizes. So you might be asking... why did the chicken cross the road... i have no clue
in hell. all i know is... i do not believe in this society and i do not believe in
the aristocrats that run it......