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FRIDAY MAY 31, 2002
My flight got into Heathrow and I got to the hotel later than I expected because at passport control I was asked to translate from French to English for this Algerian woman that didn't speak English and was coming in to visit her kids, and the tube was running late and took much longer than I expected to get to the station I needed to, but I made it expecting my other 3 fellow potamuses (Pascalle: a sweet fun-loving women who always has a smile on her face; Ann Marie- the American studying in Spain who got mugged in Madrid a night or 2 before our meet-up; and Joanne-the very cool British woman) to already be there... but Ann Marie was the only one there. We waited for the other 2 to come, but it started getting late so we just left a message at reception for them when they came to just go straight to the meeting place or venue when they came. Met up with Terry (the webmaster of the official RHCP site), got our tickets, and went to the venue and were the first in line. Then more people came and were asking us if we had any extra tickets...these 2 guys who really really really wanted to go, one of them said Flea was the reason they started playing bass, asked us if we had any spare tickets and they were nice and REALLY wanted to go and I felt bad for them so I used one of their cell phones and called Terry to see if he by any chance had any extra tickets, but he didn't, so I just told them to stick around for a while and that they never know maybe somebody will have spares...what could I do? I hope they ended up getting in. As we were standing in line Pascalle and Joanne showed up "Right on Time" and we went in and waited for the show to start. I was on the floor right up against the stage in the middle, about a foot away from where Anthony's mic was and about 4 or 5 feet from Chad's awsome drum kit and could see everything. One of the roadies taped copies of the setlist onto the stage and I copied it down. The stage was kind of small and I wished it was bigger so the band wasn't cramped and could have space to do their thing. I also wished I wasn't cramped and had space to move my legs and dance but the closer it got to showtime the more tight it got... then the band came on and it got really tight up front! the front side of the stage (which was composed of speakers) came up to my hips and everything below that I could not move at all. I somehow fought for some space and with my knees braced myself against the speakers. My torso was able to flail around somewhat and I could rest my elbows down on the speakers, but then the guy in back of me was bracing himself against my as you can guess at the end of the show I had a very soar back and black and blue knees. If the side of the stage was higher I probably wouldn't have been able to breathe. One guy bodysurfed his way on to the stage over our heads, giving the Chilis even less space, and was pushed back off by Anthony and Flea... one girl a couple people down on my left got hurt a bit by the bodysurfer, but she was a trooper and toughed it out and went on with watching the show. It would be nice if the next time as soon as the band sees people in front being the slightest bit squished to stop playing and to tell everyone to take 5 steps back or something. It is hard to enjoy yourself and concentrate on the music and dance when you are squished and have someone coming over your head. They have festivals coming up, and it could get scary with so many people if the stage is rushed or something. That night's crowd in London was pretty wild...this one girl took off her shirt and bra and her boyfriend totally stripped to the nude. Topless girl tried to push her way upfront so the band could see her....don't know what exactly she was trying to accomplish with that though. Some guy was downing some pills with his drinks. Enough about the crowd now, on to the RHCP.... they did:
By the Way
Scar Tissue
Give it Away (this really got the crowd rocking and the bodysurfing started)
Universe Ally (at least that was the way it was written on the set list..could mean Universally Speaking?)
I Could Die For You
Havannah Affair
U Always Sing the Same (which is about 5 seconds long... Flea's choice..hehe)
I Could Have Lied (Absolutely one point as he was playing John walked over to Anthony and rested his forhead on Anth's shoulder and Anthony had his eyes closed and was immersed in the song or maybe just taking a rest and it was a really sweet moment)
Don't Forget Me (1st time I've heard the song and was completely blown away... it's an unbelievably sensual song and it was just so amazing but I HAVE to hear it again because I had a hard time fully focusing on it.)
Right on Time
Power of Equality
Under The Bridge

Overall it was a 'wicked' show... At one point Anthony and Flea stood at the side of the stage and let John do this great jam...Chad played drums with him.. and the crowd shouted "JOHNNY!...JOHNNY!....JOHNNY!" hehe
At another time during the show some people around me put their arms out to try to touch Anthony when he came close so he gave them his hands and was almost eaten! hahahaha...they gripped and tried to pull him in and would not let was the funniest thing! Anthony was laughing, struggling to get loose, and after a minute broke free and said "I'm still breathing" hehe That must have been a pretty good stretch for his back and arms...i just hope it didn't strain his already injured back.

After the show was finished and we got outside we looked and felt like we were beaten up or something..hahaha.. my hair was a mess, mascara smeared, my knees were bruised, my skirt was ripped a tiny bit, and i was really sweaty and tired. Pascalle and I stood out in front and waited for Ann Marie and Joanne to come out and cooled down some. I managed to get my hair in order a little bit and put my jean jacket on. When they came out, we went to the back of the venue and waited for the band to come out, which they did a short while later. It was kind of a strange experience...There were a bunch of people back there with us. Here's the low-down on that, by band member and order of appearance:

Chad: A group of fans immediately came up to him and got autographs and pictures. Chad is a big fun-loving bear and was really nice and laid back about all the people asking him for autographs and pics, and did it for a minute or two and then said he had to go and went off to the side with Louie and some friends. I obviously wanted to go up to Chad too, and say hello and thanks, but thought 'forget it' since there were a bunch of people. I just smiled and admired him from afar.

Flea: Likewise, a bunch of fans immediately came up to him, but he said he wasn't going to give autographs, which was totally cool with me because I didn't really want his autograph, I just wanted to go say hello and introduce myself to him and tell him that I feel the same way about his music that he does and to thank him for existing, but he looked tired and the guys were about to head out somewhere so I didn't want to bother him.... but Ann went up to him anyway and he signed a street poster she took and gave me her camera and I took a pic of her and Flea for her. I was so happy for her that she got her autograph and a pic cuz she really wanted that! Another fan came up to Flea and gave him a CD and Flea was in a dilemma cuz he didn't really know what to do with it... He could have given it to me, I would have gladly taken it. I don't want Flea to think I was scared of him or didn't like him or anything because I didn't ask him for an autograph or pic myself after I took Ann's picture....I was respecting his request.

Anthony: Anytime he appears, a smile appears on my face. He seemed to be in a good mood during the show, and when he came out afterwards and the people started coming up, he said politely that he didn't like doing autographs...which again, was totally cool with me, but people came up and asked him for them anyways. He looked tired too, and I didn't want to bother him either since they were about to go somewhere so I just admired from a distance.

John: John came out and was swarmed with people and also said he didn't want to give autographs. He looked tired too. He walked up by me at one point and I put out my hand and tried to introduce myself since I didn't get to at his solo show in LA, but he turned away and kept going and was preoccupied with talking to someone else..who, I'm not sure, probably Flea, so I just let him be. But then Ann Marie asked to get a picture with him and gave her camera to another girl in the street. I wanted to get a picture with one of the Chilis before they left so I thought this is my last shot, might as well go for it, so I said "let me jump in the pic" and quickly got into position and the pic of us 3 was taken. John said something as I was getting in position, and I'm not sure to who.... if he was talking to me or whoever he was talking to earlier.. I just caught one word out of the whole thing since i was exhausted and my ears were ringing from being so close to the speakers, and the word was "don't" ..i think... I hope he wasn't telling me "don't get in the picture", because I would feel really bad if I unintentionally disrespected John. *If* he did say that, I don't see what's so bad about getting into a picture with your friend and one of your favorite musicians. He should have told us directly 'I'm sorry I don't have time for a pic right now' if that was the case, and I would have never jumped in the pic. I don't think what he said was for me though. I asked Ann Marie if she caught what he said and she said no.
Right after John, they all got in 2 different cars and took off. I believe they were heading out to a studio to perform on a late-night British talk show (can't remember the name of it though)..... I heard from the girl standing next to me at the concert that they were going to be on the talk show that night. We caught the re-run of it the next night and they just did "Cabron". Flea didn't play the bass guitar, but the big orchestral cool is that?? Cabron sounds like a country western song with Latin flair...with an early 60s kind of feel. I like it!