A Division of the Nexus

We are valiant warriors for the Nexus.  Since what seems to be the beginning of time, we have been enslaved to the evil Zerg Overminds.  Now, we have been able to break free from that power by the help of the Protoss.  The Nexus Clan helped us greatly, and now we are kin brothers, fighting together in the midst of turmoil.  Whenever a Nexus member chooses to fight as Zerg, we cry, but sing at the same time, that whatever losses we take, they are given in the honor of our brethren.

The Enormous Psi Emitters of the Protoss have allowed us to hold control of ourselves.  May this link never be broken, for we would face death rather than return to those filthy slave drivers.  Now my heart, our hearts, beat with the honor and glory of the Nexus. 

The Nexus has a code of honor, which we follow as well.  Our swarm should be noble on the field of battle, never abandoning a teammate, never stabbing a friend in the back.  Accepting defeat is also an honor.  Do not quit when you are about to be defeated.  Stay and congratulate your enemy.

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