Our story........


The History of the Minions of Khaos

After the UED captured the Overmind a rouge band of Terran mercenaries who called themselves the Minions of Khaos [ (V)<>]( ] stole information from the UED top secret database concerning the genetic code for the Overmind. The (V)<>]( planned to use this information to make their own Overmind and build themselves a large army and strike back at the UED. So they left Char at once to find a secluded planet in the far reaches of the sector. Meanwhile on Auir a group of abandoned Protoss warriors prepares to leave the planet which has been completely over ran by the Zerg. These warriors had fought the Zerg until their bodies and spirits were almost completely gone. They left Auir believing that they were the last of their kind, thinking that their brethren had all been killed trying to save Auir from the fury of the Zerg. They left becoming nomads searching out a new planet where they could restart the Protoss Empire. Soon the (V)<>]( had found an uncharted planet on the edge of the sector. They began construction on the buildings that would soon make this their new base. Next they immediately began to make a genetic clone of the Overmind that functioned on a different telepathic wave length so that the new brood would not be affected by the current Zerg Overmind that was controlled by the UED. After several unsuccessful attempts to create a clone a biologist by the name of Marshal Fitzgerald made a stable embryo that could be controlled by the (V)<>](. For this accomplishment Fitzgerald was appointed second in command by Emperor . Soon after the new Overmind had matured a little a new Zerg colony was started on the southern continent of the planet. After the colony was started the Emperor became ill and died there soon a fter. Fitzgerald then took command and pushed the production of the Zerg to the limits. Several months had passed since the Protoss warriors left Auir before they pick up a strange telepathic disturbance. They proceeded to investigate the disturbance t hat came from the planet where the (V)<>]( resided. The Protoss soon learned what the (V)<>]( had accomplished and learned that the rest of the Protoss had abandoned Auir much earlier than they had. The (V)<>]( offered to help the Protoss Refugees if the refugees would share their knowledge in advanced technologies with the (V)<>](. In several meetings between Fitzgerald and the High Templar leader Uratamacus and alliance and friend ship was born between these two races.