Curriculum Vitae
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Online work

This page is a showcase of some of the work I've undertaken in the past year. Where relevant, assignment criteria is also included. This section will be updated frequently, check back for latest work.


Internet security presentation slides, 2003 [Zip file containing Director .exe movie; 8.46MB]

This is my most recent work. It contains slides made using director for my Interim presentation in which I spoke about the progress made thus far on my Internet security and privacy dissertation. The written information is really just some of what I was reading through in the presentation and may not be as clear without the presentation text. However, it does contain my initial design for my dissertation artefact as well as some other ideas for the presentation of security information and a Flash interactive feature.

Interactive house exploration, 2002 [Zip file containing Director .exe movie; 5.69MB]

This was my first work with Director. I had previously researched the topic of interactive appliances in another assignment, so our task was to build on what we'd learnt and create a dynamic movie to demonstrate our topic. In this movie you navigate your way around the Interactive house of the future and interact with different appliances; an insight as to what it feels like to be able to interact with your picture frames, tell the fridge to order your shopping or turn the heating on from the comfort of your armchair!


Design changes to the London Borough of Havering website 2003

Havering Citizens' Advice Bureau site, 2003 [Direct link to site]

I constructed this website during my Industrial placement at the London Borough of Havering. Since the citizen's advice bureau offers advice 'regardless of your race, sex, disability or sexuality' we thought we would offer a helping hand to make their website accessible to blind users using screen reading software so that they were not denied access to the online information.

At the time we were working with a very limited budget, and the site was made before the webteam had purchased any professional graphic or web building software. The site was hand-coded using plain HTML and some javascript, and graphics were created from copy-right free images and a standard version of Paintshop.

Planet 21st Brunel society website, 2002 [Direct link to site]

I constructed this as a home page for a society that myself and another Brunel student were trying to revive for the third year of university. Its purpose was to recruit students to the group and provide members with information relating to the society and its causes. The look is fun, colourful and casual.

This site needs some tweaking for resolution compatibility which I haven't yet had any time rectify but am hoping to update shortly. If you have trouble viewing this page you might want to increase your screen resolution (1024 x 768 will work nicely!)

'Hop 2 it' portal site, 2001 [Direct link to site]

HTML for beginners, 2000 [Direct link to site]

The first website constructed in my degree.



Animated promotional banners, 2002 banner 1, banner 2

These Flash banners formed part of a marketing assignment set to us in the second year of the degree course. We were told to create a series of banners, either static or animated, to promote the introduction of a 35 hour week here in the UK. Below are links to these animated banners and the explanation which was submitted with the banners as part of the assignment.

My idea behind this series of banners was to suggest a range of things one could do with their free time if they had a thirty-five hour week. Since I want the banners to appeal to as much of the working population of the UK as I can, I had to keep this to things people could relate to, or at least be familiar with. In both banners the first part suggests something seen as a constructive thing to be doing. In the first banner this was "More time with the kids" and for the second, "More time down the gym". Indeed, these are things a lot of people might want to do with their free time, but for entertainment purposes the banners then use imagery to show why these praise-worthy pastimes may not be such appealing prospects. In the first banner to demonstrate this, a screaming baby is used, and in the second, what first looked like a very attractive lady is revealed to be a very beefed-up female bodybuilder, viewed as unappealing by a large percentage of the population. The slogan "Free time is just a click away" is also memorable and arouses curiosity in the 35-hour campaign even if a surfer does not click through.
The initial ideas of how to best spend one's free time is then replaced by ideas which are self-indulgent, and these are made to seem like good alternatives, having seen what could be the outcome of good intentions. For the first this is "more time away!!!" implying "more time away - from the kids!" and for the second, "more takeaways" suddenly seems like a good alternative to going down the gym! The second suggestions represent everyone's naughty inner voice, that makes excuses for doing slightly sinful things, but meant in a very light-hearted way, that should appeal to everyone.

The banners are designed to work as series, so are alike in theme and wording. The bright colours and colourful images were also chosen to stand out on a page; particularly on a standard web page with a white background where the colour scheme looks particularly vibrant and interesting. Care has been taken to ensure the lettering is clear, with limited wording, with enough time to read each sentence before it skips to the next. I also tried to make certain the banners were not too garish or distracting that they became an annoyance. Instead the adverts are modern, and speak volumes through their use of colour and imagery.

1 minute frog animation, 2001 [Link to embedded flash movie]


G.C.S.E Art sculpture makes the press! See West Sussex County Times article [JPG; 36KB]

Business plan for "Vegetarian" shoe shop V-shu [Winzipped PDF file; 925KB]