NBIII      The Battle of Redinha   (Brian Robinette)


redinha1.gif (16780 bytes)

1.1 Map Notes:

The River Ancos is Uncrossable except at the bridge and fords. The tributaries to the Ancos offer no obstacle to movement though they still count as fording for combat. The town of Redinha has a +1 combat modifier.

1.2 Order of Battle:

Anglo-Portuguese forces French forces
Wellington 14" G (10) + 3D VI Corps:  Ney 8" E (10) +3
  First Division: Marchand 4" E (7) +1
Light Division:  Erskine 3" A (5) +2 1B/1/VI: 16 FrLT     [8D]
1B/L:  16 BrLT  [6D] 2B/1/VI: 16 FrVLN  [6D]
2B/L:  16 PtLT   [8D] 3B/1/VI: 16 FrLN     [6D]
3B/L:  12 BrLC  [5D]  
L:         Br6# Second Division: Mermet 4: A (6) +0
  1B/2/VI: 16 FrVLT  [6D]
Third Division: Picton  5" E (8) +2 2B/2/VI: 16 FrLN    [8D]
1B/3:  16 BrLN  [5D] 3B/2/VI: 16 FrLN    [8D]
2B/3:  16 PtLN   [8D] 2/VI:        Fr 6#
Fourth Division: Cole 4" G (8) +1 Third Division: Loison 3" G (6) +1
1B/4: 16 BrGD   [5D] 1B/3/VI: 16 FrVLN  [6D]
2B/4: 16 BrGlN  [8D] 2B/3/VI: 16 FrLN     [8D]
3B/4: 20 PtLN    [10D]  
  Cavalry Division:
Pack's Independent Portuguese Brigade  1B/C/VI: 12 FrLC   [6D]
1B/ind: 20 PtLN [10D] C:              Fr 4#


Special Rules for Redinha:

1.3 Game Length/Sequence: 1000 to 1700 hours (15 turns). The French player places first, then the Allies setup second and no closer than 10 inches from the nearest enemy combat unit. The Allies are the first side.

1.4 New unit type: British Green Line Infantry

-2 +2 +7 -4 2/4 5/C 4"/0 10" 2" 15" 3/1 2/1 2"

1.5 Optional rules: The French have two (2) free rolls. The Allies have two (2) free rolls. The Allies have the Initative.

1.6 Arrival times:

1130 Hours  -  Picton's Third Division at D9 in March column.

1400 Hours  -  Loison's Third Division between C1 and A4 in any formation. (see below)

1500 Hours  -  Cole's Fourth Division at D9 in March column.

Loison Arrival: Loison's Division was marching slightly ahead of VI corps with most of the Corps baggage, it therefore had no real part in the battle. However if Ney had recalled Loison to his assistance he might have given the Iron Duke a rather rude surprise.

1.7 Historical Redinha:

   Having failed to delay the Allies on the 11th, Marshal Ney deployed Mermet's division on the ridge south of the Spanish town of Redinha. Redinha with a steep hill in front of it and woods on both flanks it was an ideal place for a rearguard to make a stand.

    Wellington's Advance guard consisted of the Light division, Pack's Portuguese Brigade and some King's German Legion Hussars. The Light division was temporarily commanded by Sir William Erskine . On the 11th, Erkine had impetuously charged Ney, across a bridge that had been mined by French engineers, though casualties had been high the bridge had been captured intact.

    The Iron Duke arrived on the field just as Erskine was preparing a repeat of the previous days perfomance he promptly reined in his reckless general, the assault would wait until the Third and Fourth divisions arrived. In the meantime, Wellington ordered the Light divsion to do wahat it did best,skirmish, Erskine moved forward to engage the French and pin Ney in place.

   Ney was not idle while the Light division advanced, as Erskine moved forward, the "Bravest of the brave" moved Marchand's division across the Ancos unseen by the English. Marchand deployed two of his brigades in support of Mermet while a third joined the French Right.

   Picton's Third divsion started to arrive and relieved the Light division's troops on the Allied Right. Erskine then proceeded to form up on the Allied Left ,so as to take Ney's position in the flank. By One O,Clock, Ereskine had thrown the French out of the woods on their Right, as the French withdrew they unmasked a very well placed battery that wrought great havoc among the advancing Britons. A timely charge by the 3e Hussars sent the Light division back to the protection of the trees, leaving several hundred prisoners in French hands. Around 3 pm Cole and his Fourth division arrived and Wellington gave the order for the general assault to begin. The Allied move was saluted by a storm of shot and shell, the Third and Fourth replied hotly. The French finally gave way and headed for the bridge. The pursuing Allies caused some damage to the fleeing French, soon Redinha was in flames forcing the Anglo-Portuguese troops to slacken their pusuit, by the time the redcoats picked their way through the town and over the bridge, Ney had taken up a strong position some 2 to 3 miles North of the Ancos and Redinha. The Duke started to manouver and turn Ney out of this new position but nightfall put an end to that idea, his mission acomplished Ney withdrew under cover of darkness.

   The Allies had between 200 and 500 men with the French coming of slightly better. The English felt they had won a great victory, while VI corps believed it had single handedly withstood the entire Allied Army. A victory for both sides. The Allies, however, were unable to effectively " Catch up" to Masena's Army again. Wellington called off the pursuit after outrunning his supply trains shortly after Redinha, he would soon get another crack at Massena in a few weeks tmie, near a town called Fuentes des Onoro.

   Brian has a large selection of scenarios. If you want to see what he has then go here.

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