
Dragachu(dragon/electric): A pikachu-type creature with Dragon Wings and a long dragon-like tail.
1.Thungon Rage(dragon/electric):A dragon rage coupled with thunder. It is extremly powerful although somewhat inaccurate. It hits 50% of the time.
2.Hypershock Beam(normal/electric):A hyper beam that doesnt require recharging and can paralyze about 10% of the time. It is made primarily of electricity, but it is partly of a normal type.
3.Hydro Chump(water/electric):Dragachu's water herritage from a Dragonite couples with extreme electric voltage making a tidal wave of thunderbolted Water. It never misses, no matter where the pokemon is, but if it used fly or some other dissappearing attack it does only 15 damage and has no chance of an after effect. If it hits and the pokemon is on the ground, it will cause 40 damage(+ or - 10 depending on weakness or strength if any) and it will have a chance to lower the opponents accuracy slightly.
4.Hydro Pump
5.Dragon Rage
6.Hyper Beam

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