mouse lovers have been here.
Under Construction
-1/11/00- Okay, this is the 2nd update of the day. I just finished the Buggychu and Pikablu pages, and I'll get Diglichu up next. We're almost done! Keep clickin the banner!
-1/11/00- Well, I just finished the Hitmonchu page. I'll work on Buggychu and Pikablu next. See ya!
-1/10/00- The site is coming along nicely. It would come along more nicely if you'd all start clickin my banner up there. *nodnod* Anyhoo, The concept of the club is ready, and It's just below the picture. Check it out, send me some opinions, and prepare to apply for membership.
Welcome to what will soon be the home of Warfox's Elemental Mouse Club. The concept is simple. There are 5 elemental mice in the club. You get one when you join, you get no badge, but if you quit you give up the pokemon. The pokemon are Pikablu(water), Hitmonchu(fighting), Buggychu(bug), Dragachu(dragon), and Diglichu(ground). You get only one, so choose wisely. To join, it will cost about $2500, BUT the club is not up yet! If you're gonna wanna be prepared, you should save their info to a text file on your computer for ready use. Now, as for anything else that happens, keep track of the news.