
Hitmonchu(Fighting/Electric): A powerful boxing mouse, its right cross can knock out even a ivysaur, but it causes medium damage to the user, and often misses.
1.Right Cross(fighting):Hitmonchu launches a flying right cross, It misses 50% of the time.*side effect*Flip a coin, if tails Hitmonchu does 20 damage to itself(only if it hits).
2.Comet Shock(electric/fighting):Hitmonchu seemingly doesnt move, but it launches five electric punches at the opponent, when they hit they do fighting and electric damage. Hit's 2-5 times.
3.Uppercut(fighting):Hitmonchu uses a blast of electricity to blast itself upwards hitting the enemy pokemon square in the jaw.
4.Comet Punch
5.Thunder Punch
7.Mega Kick

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