DSB Convention

Well, a few of us are trying to get a Death Star Battle Convention together. The place where this convention is going to take place hasn't been decided yet, but if you are very sure you can come, please fill out the form below so I can list your name on the list that is expected to be there. Don't expect the place to be too close to you, but don't expect the place to be too far either. We're gonna see where everyone is coming from, so we can decide a good place to meet. More then likely, we're gonna try and put it in the middle of everyone.
They had a Subspace Convention November 3rd-7th at Las Vegas. Las Vegas is a good place to meet, but think about the people that was coming from New York. California players didn't have too far to travel as the New Yorkers did, which I think was very unfair to them. Las Vegas is a huge place to meet, but the distance to those in the eastern area was very big. Even if you're not sure if you can make it or not, then go ahead and sign up, so we can get an idea of where to set the convention at. Then, once we decide, and you reconsider on coming cause of the distance, then just email us here. Then we can remove you from the list.
We really haven't decided on a date yet either, but we're hoping to have it in the summer time around the month of June or July cause of players in school and college. These people will have the summer off and be able to make it hopefully. But if all else fails, we can have it around the "Fall Season". It all depends on you. But we are giving everyone at least 5 or 6 months to save back money and have enough time to make plans so you can come to this convention. Remember, i'm sure there are other DSB players around your area, so if you can't drive or anything, then i'm sure someone that you are friends with around your area is willing to give you a ride. Car-pooling is a good idea for everyone. It saves everyone money and gas :). Anyways, fill out the form, and check back for details, date/time, and a list to see if you are or not on this list.


What is your Subspace Nick?

What is your name?

How old are you?

What is a good month for you to come in the year 2000?
If any month is good, then put "Any Month" please.

Would you be able to stay at least 3 days?

What state do you live in?

What country do you live in?
United States.

If other, and willing to fly across seas to convention, list your area below.

What squad are you in?

E-mail address?

Got Any Comments?

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