Breeding Game
Card Game
Wonder Swan







Digi-Dex: G

Name: Gabumon
Kind: Reptile
Type: Data
Attack: Blue Blaster / Horn Attack
Matt's digi-companion, Gabumon appeared in the first episode when all seven original Digimon digivolved into their 'Rookie' forms. While relatively small in size, Gabumon has proven again and again that he will do anything for his best friend, Matt. During a cold night, he even shared the white fur coat that he always wears in an attempt to keep Matt from freezing; only to get a "you look weird without your fur on" remark from Matt. (hmph...some thanks...) He even stood beside Matt's decision to face off against Tai and WarGreymon in a clash for leadership of the digi-destined. Although Gabumon knew Cherrymon and Puppetmon had clouded Matt's mind with lies, Gabumon agreed to Warp Digivole to MetalGarurumon and stand by his friend's side, even though Gabumon knew that the battle would only spell disaster.
Name: Gargomon
Kind: Animal
Type: Vaccine
Attack: Bunny Pummel / Gargo Pellets
The picture & info of Gargomon is from Veemon.
Name: Garurumon
Kind: Animal
Type: Data
Attack: Howling Blaster / Slamming Attack
Garurumon is a wolf Digimon that was assigned to Matt. He is the Digivolved form of Gabumon and first digivolved in order to save Matt from the clutches of Seadramon.
Name: Gatomon
Kind: Animal
Type: Vaccine
Attack: Lightning Claw / Cat's Eye Hypnotism
Gatomon is often known for her attitude. She is the Digimon assigned to protect Kari, Tai's little sister and the lost eighth child. Gatomon had a rough life. Unlike the other Digimon for the Digi-destined, she did not know her purpose in life and after being lost in the wilderness and growing up by herself, she befriended Wizardmon by saving his life. Unfortunately, Myotismon soon forced her into his employment and tortured her into becoming one of his loyal servants. Only thanks to meeting Kari, coming in contact with her Digivice, and Wizardmon helping her remember the past did she come to realize that she was actually the Digimon designed for Kari and fighting on the wrong side. Gatomon has a sense of flair and humor in everything she does, often sharing a wise-crack about her kitten lineage.
Name: Gazimon
Kind: Mammal
Type: Virus
Attack: Pitfall / Electric Stun Blast
Gazimon are the servant henchmen of Etemon. Their rabbit-like form is made more dangerous by sharp claws and teeth, readying them, at least physically, for battle. However, they often provide more of a comical relief purpose. Etemon uses Gazimon to operate his large Dark Network and isn't afraid to put them in their place when they get out of line.
Name: Gekomon
Kind: Amphibian
Type: Virus
Attack: Symphony Crusher / Tongue Attack
Gekomon love good music. And they were overjoyed when DemiDevimon told them about a young girl named Mimi with a voice sweet enough that it just might wake their leader, ShogunGekomon, who had been fast asleep for a long time. "Princess Mimi", as she was called by them, soon found herself enjoying being a princess more than willing to sing the song and stayed with the Gekomon until Tai and the others showed up. Mimi ran into a single Gekomon later in the series and recruited him to help fight the Dark Masters.
Name: Gesomon
Kind: Mollusk
Type: Virus
Attack: Coral Crusher / Elastic Arms
Name: Giromon
Kind: Machine
Type: Vaccine
Attack: Chain Saw / Big Bang Boom
Name: Gizamon
Kind: Sea Animal
Type: Virus
Attack: 4-Leg Kick / Spiral Saw
Name: Gomamon
Kind: Sea Animal
Type: Vaccine
Attack: Marching Fishes / Claw Attack
Gomamon is the Digimon for Joe. He is a comedian and helps Joe try to see the less serious side of life, or at least the Digital life. He loves to swim, most content when he can just lay back and feel the cool water running through his paws. He eventually digivolves into Ikkakumon.
Name: Gotsumon
Kind: Rock
Type: Data
Attack: Rock Fist / Crazy Crusher
Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon were two of the henchmen that Myotismon took with him to the real world to search for the eight Digi-Destined. However, Gotsumon and Pumpkinmon were more interested in mischief, pranks, and having a good time. When Matt, Gabumon, and T.K. met up with them while searching for Patamon, the two Digimon were soon frolicking with the Digi-Destined, rather than trying to fight them. Although their methods weren't always legal or safe, their hearts sought fun, rather than evil and it touched Matt and T.K. enough to befriend them. Myotismon soon met up with the entire group though and banished/destroyed the henchmen that had failed him.
Name: Grand Kuwagamon
Kind: Insectoid
Type: ???
Attack: ???
The picture of Grand Kuwagamon is from Veemon.
Name: Greymon
Kind: Dinosaur
Type: Vaccine
Attack: Nova Blast / Great Horns Attack
Greymon, the Champion form of Tai's Agumon, was the first to reach any stage beyond Rookie. After their narrow escape from Kuwagamon, the Digi-Destined and their companions decided to rest on the beach. While Izzy was busy dividing the food equally between the seven kids (the digimon could hunt for themselves), Tai and Agumon decided to do the right thing and wait, right? WRONG. They dug into the emergancy rations like the digi-pigs they were. ;) When Shellmon attacked a little while later, the other six digimon could not summon enough strength to use their Rookie attacks, and thus were at the mercy of the underwater behemoth. However, when Tai got in its way and was being crushed by Shellmon's grip, Tai's mysterious electronic device, his Digivice, began to glow, and Agumon digivolved. Once in the form of Greymon, he had no problem sending Shellmon back to the briney deep thanks to a well-aimed Nova Blast.

Last updated on 22 January 2004