Breeding Game
Card Game
Wonder Swan







Digi-Dex: P

Name: Pagumon
Kind: Micro
Type: Virus
Attack: Bubble Blow
Pagumon first appeared in Episode 15: The Dark Network of Etemon where the Pagumon took over the Koromon village and captured Tokomon. Everyone was searching for Tokomon. When they found all the Koromon and Tokomon, Etemon appeared. They went into the tunnel and Tai found his crest and it helped them escape Etemon and the Pagumon.
Name: Paildramon
Kind: Dragon Man
Type: Data
Attack: Desperado Blaster / Esgreamer
This speed fighter has the power of a dragon and the speed of an insect!
The picture & info of Paildramon is from Megchan's Digimon Sekai.
Name: Palmon
Kind: Vegetation
Type: Data
Attack: Poison Ivy / Stinking Attack
Palmon is the Digimon assigned to Mimi. She is a down-to-earth Digimon who isn't afraid to get her feet, or roots, wet. She is proud of her pink blossom hair-do, despite Mimi's belief that she needs to have it done up.
Name: Patamon
Kind: Mammal
Type: Data
Attack: Boom Bubble / Slamming Attack
Patamon loves to have fun. He is the Digimon that follows T.K. where he travels... well, except when Patamon gets upset at the young Digi-Destined. Patamon is a loyal friend who wants to always be there for T.K., but occasionally T.K. has a tendancy to not want Patamon around... which hurts his feelings and sends him flying off... but never far enough that he won't be able to hear T.K.'s cries for help.
Name: Piedmon
Kind: Phantom
Type: Virus
Attack: Trum Sword / Clown Trick
Piedmon is the leader of the Dark Masters. He was defeated by MagnaAngemon.
The info of Piedmon is from Digizoid.
Name: Poyomon
Kind: Micro
Type: Data
Attack: Bubble Blow
Poyomon looks like a friendly ghost. He hovers around, completely see-through, with a goofy grin spread across his face looking for DigiAction.
Name: Pucchiemon
Kind: Pixie
Type: ???
Attack: Heavy Beam / Talon Arrow
The picture & info of Pucchiemon is from Veemon.
Name: Punimon
Kind: Micro
Type: Data
Attack: Bubble Blow
Punimon might look like a drain plug, don't sell him short. He's a great companion. This pink Micro Digimon might not win a battle against a bigger Digimon but he won't back down either.
Name: Puppetmon
Kind: Puppett
Type: Virus
Attack: Puppet Pummel / Wires
Puppetmon is the 2nd Dark Master. He has no friends whatsoever.
The info of Puppetmon is from Digizoid.

Last updated on 25 January 2004