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TOURNY.zip - This is the map i made for tournaments.Its a kind of arena sort of thing.....Just try it   hehe

war2.zip -This is my first map it is a little room surrounded by caves.... lots of ammo

warstown.zip -This one was an attempt at making a dry gulch type map its a good map but voodoo has a problem with lag but everyone else says no problem

patriotw.zip -This is Patriotwar(are you seeing a pattern here War in all the titles,Dont worry i stopped doing that lol)its a long feild with bunkers on either side great capture the flag map

damit.zip -This is my best one yet its a dam with a cave and stuff a must have

koth.zip -This is king of the hill thats right it a big hill with lots of goodies on the top(this is badasses idea i just did the grunt work of building it

wpt_arena.zip - this is hardknox's map its a training area for WPT great map for snipin
huckle.zip -this is a modifed version of sniper made by hardknox for huckleberry

sniper.zip -and this is what he made it from

HucksWar.zip -This is warzone modified we took out the special weapons

warzone.zip -This is the map before we messed with it

If your lookin for some more maps be sure to check out palefaces list its bigger than the feild in Patriotwar